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Not every story has a happy ending.

Mine sure didn't.

I was on the other side of the foggy window, peaceful. Almost perfect. Yes, almost.

Almost because the fog couldn't cover the window completely.
The other side was suffocating.

First I saw pain.

They felt pain too. Like a toy being taken away from a child, how he was seen as taken from them. I was cursed by him. Everything he touched turned gold. I don't want to be gold. Something valuable that everyone wants to see and touch. Something everyone wants to know the value of and judge. And sell.

I didn't want to see or believe the other side, so I quickly covered the window with an old curtain. A curtain made from a woman that warned me of such pain.

But I stayed on the other side of the window, blinded by the weather outside. So maybe it's my fault for denying the price of loving you when it was so easy to remove the fog and see the truth so clear.

But, I have to ask you, reader...

are you ready?

hey everyone. thank you so much for reading like i didn't know anyone would actually want to read this—
i'll finish this by thanksgiving break or christmas-new years break.
what are some theories you have? i dropped a couple of hints about what it could be.
also uhm sorry if my writing sucks, i've never really wrote a whole book before, so it'll be cool for me to practice here and get better.
if you're wondering why i haven't updated in months, i had summer practice + work, now i have school and practice and games are about to start.
this will be my 2nd book published, i have this big project i've been brainstorming for months like a whole 2 book series. i wanna wait a while to start writing though, it's not coming anywhere near soon.

anyways, thanks for reading and thanks if you made it this far from the authors note.

in my head \\ min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now