Struggles of binding or bandaging

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Now this is a rather common problem for trans men that are pre top surgery, you see, binders are small and tight pieces of material and they are often hard to get on (especially after a shower)  and sometimes you can get stuck in them halfway through trying to get them on.

When binding it is important to to be very careful like don't play rough sports while binding, try to stay away from stressful situations because if can effect you being able to breath.

Now while I dont suggest bandaging to anyone I do understand how it can be stressful, depressing, upsetting, scary and many more before you get a binder. While most people can successfully use bandages to bind there are some people who have trouble getting it right and it ends up looking all lumpy and digs in in different places so that it is very painful even breathing ( I am one of those people.).

~Take deep breaths
~Bind safely
~Do reaserch before binding
~Dry yourself properly before putting the binder on

Don't s
~Bind for longer than 6-8 hours perday
~Sleep in your binder
~ buy from off brand companies

I know it can be hard for some people to get binders for many different reasons and stressful waiting for one to come soon enough but just hang in there one day it will all be ok (mostly)

Places to buy binders

Notes for romantic/sexual partners of trans people.

When in a romantic relationship with a trans person it can be hard at times and some people can think that their partners are over reacting when it comes to disphoria, like saying that the little bump on their chest that the binder has left is upsetting them.
When it comes to sex or something similar some people are happy to take their binder off but others wont and that isnt just them being sill if they wont its because the level of disphoria ranges from person to person and your partner might be ok with something that someone else isnt.

trans problems  (ftm) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें