When the 4 dragons meet their sis

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This is sort of a Scenario/One-shot combination where I write about how the dragons would react to meeting their sisters.

Each sister will have a made up name!

Please enjoy! And please forgive any grammar, spelling, etc mistakes.


5 year old Kija stared in awe at the baby girl.

"This is my sister?" He asked. "She's so small..."

Kija stretched out a hand and gently caressed the baby's face.

He immediately drew his hand away, afraid he would break the small fragile thing.

The baby stirred, before her round blue eyes opened.

Blinking, she looked up at Kija.

"Would you like to hold her?" Granny asked.

Kija looked at her astonished. "Can I?"

She grinned, and placed the baby girl into Kija's small but sturdy arms.

The baby giggled, grabbing Kija's thumb and she started slowly sucking on it.

Kija gawked and nearly cried because of how cute she was.

She contently sighed before slowly falling back asleep.

Kija felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness flow through him as he cradled her in his arms.

I will protect you my dear sister. No-matter what, I swear I will do it with all I have, and with all my heart.


Zepo smelled the roasting food and her mouth watered. 

Having eaten nothing for days, she was starving.

She hurried to the direction of food and rested on top of a tree looking down on a group of strange people. 

"Let's see... Should I take the chance of being killed by those people, or go away starving but with my life?"

Zepo sighed, knowing she would regret this decision. 

"Here Zepo comes~"

At that moment, Shin-ah stiffened, and looked directly at her. 

The other members all snatched their swords readying for battle.

All they got, however, was a small female who sprang towards the food.

No-matter how fragile she looked, a threat was still a threat.

"On your knees!" A stern voice said.

Zepo dropped to her knees, a bit disappointed. 

"I only want some fooooood!" she whined. "Then I'll leave! I swear!"

Zeno walked up to her and handed her a bowl with some soup inside. 

"It isn't much, but I hope it's enough..." he said, smiling kindly at Zepo.

Zepo dropped her hands, reaching out to accept the bowl. However, when she saw Zeno, her hands froze and her face turned dark.

Hak and the dragons tightened their hold on their weapons.



Zepo slapped Zeno across the face as hard as she could.

"You are an idiot!!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, except for Zeno, who's eyes widened in recognition. 

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