The Two Princes | Chapter 6

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"I wish Darryl were here"

I think to myself, standing up and walking to my bed. I lay there crying to myself as I drift off to sleep.

~Darryl's POV~

Finally! I have arrived, those few hours on the boat were hell itself. I grab my stuff and head to the main grounds.

We get assigned the rooms we will be staying in, and then I head up the castle to find it. When I opened the door, there are 5 other boys in the room. I set my stuff down on a top bunk and go over to introduce myself.

"Hi my name is Darryl nice to meet you all" I say

"Hi I'm Lucas, and they are Noah, Liam, Ethan, and Aiden.

We chat for a bit until the bell rings, and we head back down to the main grounds.

"LISTEN UP!" One of the directors yell, "This school teaches royal students to be the most proper, smartest, greatest kings, queens, princes, and princesses out there. There are the four strict rules you need to follow or you shall be punished."

"Rule One: No talking when a director is talking."
"Rule Two: Always listen to the directors."
"Rule Three: No harming others. We are here to learn, not pick on each other."
"Rule Four: No horseplaying. You are no longer children, so I expect adult attitudes from all of you."

"Now that the ground rules have been said, it's time for you to go to bed. Your curfew is at 10:00pm sharp. We expect you to be in your room with the lights out by then. There will be guards out in the hallway, you are not allowed to leave your rooms. You will be woken up at 7:00AM sharp every morning for your education."

"With all this being said, go back to your room and get ready for your first day tomorrow."

~Zak's POV~
It's my first night without Darryl, and I can't sleep. I lay in bed thinking about him, my thoughts overcoming me. "What if he forgets about me?" "What if he never comes back?" "What if..what if he won't love me anymore" I'll see him in four years. Four. So long from now, I wouldn't be surprised if he forgets all about me.

And with these thoughts, I drift off to sleep.

~The next morning~

~Darryl's POV~

I wake up to a loud siren going off. It's 7:00AM. I groan, and roll out of my covers. I get up and change into my uniform I had gotten yesterday.

I head down to the commons to get some breakfast. I grab two eggs and sit down, memorizing my schedule as I eat.

"So I have Math first, then Language arts, then Spanish. Then after classes I have Archery, Sword fighting, Horse riding, and Discipline training " I say to myself a couple of times before putting the paper down to finish eating.

I finish eating my eggs and head up to my first class. I sit down and prepare myself for the most boring four years of my life.

~Timeskip till after everything~

Me and my roommates decide to stay in our room instead of going out to get to know each other more.

"Hey guys, did you see the girls? Which one do you guys like?" Aiden says.

"I don't know. I don't really like girls..." I accidentally blurt out. My roomates stare at me weirdly and I can feel my face turn visibly red

"I-I love girls. Duh." I say, saving myself.

"Haha. Good one Darryl." Lucas says, patting me on the back

Phew, that was close.

"I already got girlfriends all planned out for us" Aiden says as we get ready for bed.

I climb up the ladder and lay down in my bed. I just can't stop thinking about what happened. I don't like girls, but I think I may have to. I just can't get Zak out of my mind. His laugh, his smile, his hair, his sparkling brown eyes. I have one thought in my mind before I go to sleep.

"Could this be love?"

~Zak's POV~

It's been 2 full days without Darryl now. I'm getting more and more depressed by the hour. I just can't stop thinking about him no matter how hard I try. I think for a minute

"Could this be love?"

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