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Day 24th of November

The siblings came to the grave of the son.while walking the spirit of the old woman tried to stop them from what would they do. But the soothsayer says that what ever happened just ignores it because it is just a soul can't do nothing .

"Lets go "- Liza

"Lets did faster"-Kevin

"Come on"- Liza

"Faster"- Liza

"Im trying"-kevin

"Ok this is it, give me the bracelet"- Kevin

While putting the bracelet on the hand of the dead the care taker of the  area will go around   so they put the dead body back to its grave.

They went back to their house.

Liza looked to Kevin

"You okay?"-- Liza

"Not really"- kevin

"What if it didn't work?"-Kevin

"Shhhh dont say that ok it will work trust me"- Liza

Day 25th of November

Everything is ok the sibling are preparing for their school

While eating the mother of the sibling said.

"Kevin I saw a bracelet on your room last night is it yours ?- mother

"Whattt????"- kevin

"No no no no no" - kevin said while his tears are flowing

"Why here it is"- mother

The mother gave the bracelet to her son and after she gave it to him, his son was strike by wild bullet on his head just like what  happened to the old woman's son he was shot  on head by the thief.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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