Chapter One

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Zavier’s P.O.V


January 6 2013

Today’s my birthday, I officially turn eighteen today. My mom gave me a brand new Ferrari. It’s a one of a kind Ferrari laferrari. She also got it in my favourite colour, black. It was all going well until my dad came home from work.

“Carlos! I have a present for you” my papi shouted as he came into the living room

“Well good evening to you too and how was your day?” I retorted

“Foolish boy! Come to me”

Ugh I hated when he shouts! It’s like an old man trying to sing.  I walked over to where he was sitting on the couch with his briefcase on his lap.

“I have a contract for you to sign”

“What type of contract?” I knew where this was heading but I tried my best to divert this conversation but it just keeps on popping up.

“Since you’re of age, I’m handing over the company to you” he stated firmly

He just had to ruin my day! For my entire life, all I’ve been hearing is that one day I’m going to run my dad’s business.  Yap-yap-yap!  Will this ever stop?

“I’m not going to run your stupid car manufacturing company!” I stated firmly “I’m sick and tired of this crap! All I want is to live my f*ucking life the way I want and how I want to!” “And just so you know I WILL NEVER and I mean EVER sign that contract!” I yelled with so much anger and frustration that my mom stormed into the room with her face looking pale as if she just saw a ghost.

“Pablo! How many do I have to tell that Carlos will not run your company?” she retorted angrily “leave that boy alone for goodness sakes!”

“Maria don’t tell me what to do, he’s MY son!” my dad yelled

“My son, He’s OUR son. We both raised him!”

“I’m his father! And I’ll tell him how to live his life!”

“Shut up antes de que yo lo haga por usted!” shut up before I do it for you! I wanted to laugh so hard when she said that but I managed to keep my mouth shut and watch them yell at each other like there’s no tomorrow!

“Mujer miserable!” he mumbled but I heard it very clear, I’m quite sure that my mom didn’t hear because she was too busy smacking my dad upside the head

“Carlos! If you don’t sign this contract I’ll disown you!” he threatened

“Go ahead!” I yelled before storming out the door. I heard my mom calling me from behind but I ignored her and got into my car. This old man is driving me insane!

End of Flashback

“Zavier c’mon it’s time for school! Get up or you’re gonna be late!” Victoria yelled from the doorway.

“Can I have a few more minutes?” I asked groggily

“” she teased. God I loved that woman!

“Tori, I love you but if you let me get up now, I’ll hate you” I warned lazily

“I’ll take my chances” with that she pulled the covers off of me and ran out of the room. Smart thinking ‘cause she’s dead!

I hurriedly got up out of bed and ran into the kitchen where the sweet aroma of chocolate pancakes attacked my nostrils. I smiled in delight. Victoria was seated at the island with a plate of chocolate pancakes, eggs, bacon and a cup of coffee. There was also one for me!

“So do you hate me now?” she retorted whilst smirking

“Maybe, maybe not. It depends” I stated as I sat down beside her

“Depends on what?”

“On how good these pancakes taste!” I replied before stuffing my mouth with the mouth-watering pancakes. They tasted like heaven or was it because of the vodka that I drank last night? Humph

“So am I forgiven?” she asked while giving me the puppy dog façade. She maybe in her 40’s but she does know how to make a 19 year old crack.

I sighed dejectedly and nodded. She quickly engulfed me in a bear hug, it may have hurt but I liked it. I rarely show this side of me to people. I’m usually a closed book to most people except to Victoria, Xander, Chad, Sawyer, Maxwell and Kyle.

“umm.. Zavier, remember this building that you go to, to umm, learn? Well you’re gonna be late for that special place on this oh so wonderful day!” she exclaimed sarcastically

We quickly pulled apart and I ran upstairs and into the shower.

I quickly got dressed in a grey cargo pants, white dress shirt, grey beanie and a pair a white vans. I quickly grabbed my phone, car keys and ran downstairs.

I got in my car and drove to the prison that they now call “school”.

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