Chapter Five

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When we got home that night and was greeted by Maria, we rushed upstairs to bed. I got to room and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and did my regular stuff and went back into my bedroom when my phone buzzed. I had received a text message from an unknown number. I was a bit iffy at first but I decided to open it anyways.


Thought I wouldn’t find you? Well guess again little Miss Monte- Negro. I always get want I want and I want you. Oh and don’t even think about hiding, going to the police or even telling Maria or Riley ‘cause if you do I’ll kill them. Am sure you know I’m not lying, remember what I did to your beloved parents. We don’t want a repeat of that now do we?

I starred at the message with tears running down my cheeks. He found me, after a year without any appearance, a year of keeping a low profile, a year of hiding and in one day it went down the drain. All my hard of trying to stay hidden in the shadows had just vanished into thin air, just like that.

I sat in my bed, phone in my hand whilst starring at the wall in front of me like it was my last hope. All that ran through my mind was that he found me, that bastard found me.


I sat there the entire night before sleep took over, but that didn’t help.

I screamed and beg but that didn’t stop him. I cried and cried until no sound came. There was blood everywhere; blood curdling screams shook the room. They were being tortured because of me. I sat there watching him having his way with them, I pleaded from him to stop but he just laughed menacingly before an evil grin took over his face. I knew what that meant.

I tried with all my might to free myself from chair that I was presently tapped to stop him but it was too late. I sat there sobbing, I had just lost someone whom I had truly loved, I sobbed uncontrollably and cursed him to hell and back. The room went eerily quiet when I saw him coming towards me like a predator stalking his prey.

I stared at him wide eyed as he advanced towards me. He kneeled down in front of me. I did the only thing I could do, I spat in his face which in returned earned me a slap in the face. My head jerked towards the opposite direction. My left cheek stung like a b*tch but that was the least of my problems. What he did next caused my heart to skip a beat; he pulled out a colt anaconda pistol and aimed it at my head.

I sat there counting down. My heart stopped when I heard him pulled the trigger but it didn’t made contact with my body. I quickly opened my eyes to see the lifeless body of a girl I knew only for one year, lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to her head and that’s when I lost it. I screamed like a banshee at the sight of her body as tears fell from my eyes like water flowing from the Niagara Falls. The only persons that I had learnt to love in the past year laid there lifelessly all because of me.

I screamed and cried for what felt like hours before It all stopped, my vision blurred and darkness took over.

I was pulled out of my nightmare do to the beeping of my alarm clock. I quickly searched my body and face for any bruises but there was none. I rushed out of my room and knocked on Riley’s door. I waited patiently for an answer but when I was greeted by silence I began to panic and rushed into her room. I searched her entire room but there was no sign of her. I thought I was gonna lose my mind until I heard the water running in the shower.

I sighed in relief and went to look for Maria. I saw her fixing her hair. I immediately relaxed and went to get ready for my first day of hell.

After showering, washing my hair, shaving my legs an armpit and brushed my teeth I left the bathroom and went into the closet. I chose a black BVB band tee, high waisted cuffed denim shorts, black sheer tights and I paired it with a pair of black studded converse. I did my hair in an up do and wrapped it with a red bandana.

I looked at my appearance and almost screamed due to the fact that there were some dark purple bags beneath my eyes. I applied a little concealer, mascara and lip gloss. I quickly grabbed my tribal pattern backpack, my phone and my earphones and left the room.

My taste buds tinkled when I arrived in the kitchen. I saw Riley and Maria were eating breakfast. Riley was dressed in a high waisted denim shorts, a white tee, a red and black flannel   shirt and a pair of black combat boots. Her hair was done in a messy bun with a black bandana wrapped around her head. We had similar taste in fashion, you know what they say, great minds think alike.

 I greeted them and grabbed an apple along with a granola bar. About five minutes later we were all set for the day ahead. Riley and I took off on our penny boards towards school.

Love and Deceptionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن