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Bang! Bang! Bang!

I heard gun shots and woke up to see the television set still on. I slept on the couch again. Ugh! My back hurts.

I looked around and my eyes involuntarily landed on a beautiful picture. It was me and my husband Xander on our wedding day. The words FOREVER YOURS were written on them.

I had known Xander for about 2 years before we had tied the knot. We were a happy couple. Actually, we were the most perfect couple ever. I had loved him with all my heart and soul. That was until he had died in a car accident two months ago.

I was heartbroken and time didn't heal it. I was still as weak as I was on his funeral. I barely went out anymore. I was emotionally broke. As my thoughts shifted to Xander, I heard some commotion upstairs. It wasn't something too loud just creaking. But it freaked me out maybe it was the clock showing 3:00 am or the creaks getting louder with every passing second.

I could hear my own heart beating loudly. It might be a burglar I thought and walked to the end of my living room. But now the creaks became loud footsteps in my direction. As if someone knew where I was exactly. I started sweating profusely. My mind started to run. I need to do something I thought and ran to the washroom that was in the opposite direction to the footsteps.

I couldn't breathe. I was hyperventilating. Maybe somebody broke in. I thought. But my gut feeling told me I was wrong. I searched my pockets for my phone. Luckily, I had slept in my work clothes and my phone was still in my pocket.

I was about to dial 911 when I saw something that sucked the air out of my lungs. My red lipstick- the one that Xander had bought- wrote something on the mirror on its own. I was shocked. I was mortified. I wanted to run but my legs were stuck in place. I couldn't move. It was like the room had started to shrink and the time had started to slow down.

The words that flashed in blood red on my mirror froze my blood. Every word was in the neat handwriting of MY HUSBAND.

It read,

Sweetheart I am coming to take you with me. I love you.

I felt something on my hands but before I could respond I was being pulled and I screamed, " LET ME GO! XANDER. Leave me alone. Please, just let me go." I begged.Before I could even try to do something my body started to become numb.

He was back to take me away with him. He was back to kill me. My thoughts went wild and suddenly everything became black.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading it..
It is actually for a contest but if you like the sound of it let me know I might actually write a whole story on it.


Love you


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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