Chapter five

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Chapter five 

The plan was simple: sneak into the garage and get whatever they need without getting caught. 

Simple as that right? 

As they were walking through the forest, Piper couldn't help but feel as if she's the luckiest girl in the world. Sure being born in a rich family is lucky and all, but all of that doesn't seem as lucky- or seem lucky at all to Piper. Being with your favourite game characters was lucky. For Piper, it felt good to talk to people who only care about your personality and not your differences between them and everyone else.

 She already had enough experience with that from her own family, at least she had one person who wasn't like that -Susie.  "Here we are!" Piper stopped walking and looked up ahead, the tall Wooden fence looked so close yet so far up on top of the hill. 

As much as she didn't want to go up it again, she had to help these guys. She began to climb up the steep hill, sliding down halfway for a second before reaching the top. She climbed the closest tree to the fence, and got ready to jump. Before she did, she looked behind her at the bottom of the hill, where Sonic and Tails were staring at her. 

"Well? What are you guys waiting for?" Tails glanced at Sonic before looking back at her. "We're coming!" He said, while flying off the ground with his two tails, before picking Sonic up by his hands. Once they got over the fence, Piper lead them to the garage Infront of the mansion. 

She walked up to the garage door, while trying to look casual to the neighbors, before pressing a button on the wall. The door slided open, revealing four fancy cars, a workbench, some black and white photos of race cars on the walls, and some boxes of spare car parts in the corner. She went inside making sure no one was in there, before her head peeked out of the corner. 

"All clear!" She whisper yelled to some bins, which Sonic and Tails were hiding behind. Sonic zoomed in past her while Tails flew in with his, well, tails. She pressed a button on the wall from the inside, closing the garage door as the lights automatically turned on from sensing her movement. 

She watched as Tails rummaged around in the boxes of car parts, inspecting them before putting them back in their box. She then turned to look at Sonic, who jumped in one of the cars through the window. Pretending to drive it before putting his feet on the steering wheel with his hands behind his head.

She smiled before walking up to the workbench, pulling a tool box from under it. She walked up to Tails, who was now holding an engine piece. "Found anything interesting there, Tails?" He looked up at her and smiled before looking back at the engine piece.

"I was just wondering if......maybe the Tornado needs a new engine" Piper smiled as his face expression showed he was in deep thought. "Well...I got some tools here, but....I don't know which ones you need" she said bashfully, earning a small chuckle from Tails. "Its alright Piper, I can just pick out the ones I need, thanks for helping us though" 

She smiled once more before handing him the tool box. However, they both jumped as one of the car horns beeped loudly. They both turned around to see Sonic shrugging his shoulders while smiling goofily. Piper sighed from relief before walking up to the garage door. 

"Come on, let's get back before someone finds us" sonic nodded his head while Tails began to fly, holding the tool box by its handles.


"- and the warp ring just disappeared!" Said Tails , while trying to fix the engine of the Tornado. Piper was kneeling down to his height, watching him as well as listening to his story. "Are you sure the warp ring didn't fall into the forest with you guys?" She asked, quickly glancing at Sonic - who was lying on a tree branch - before looking back at him. 

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