(2017/2018-2019) I've done Nothing to you People (+My present handwriting)

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I go by "Treat others how they treat you." I think because of my Bipolar I.

One time, in 5th grade (About a year ago), I hadn't felt like talking. So, I didn't! I only talked to my classmates by sticky note, which hadn't gone too well; since I had bad handwriting (It's even worse, present day).

But, during my around half-day silence, I had only said one word; which was "No". It barely was even audible, even to me. Though, if you had listened close enough, it sounded really nasal or something- My outward breathing (While saying it) was more audible than the actual word.

This has only happened about one, two, maybe three times. Considering my still-present ADHD, it's quite surprising for me to be completely silent for at least 4 hours.

The last time it happened, was during my 6th grade school year (Which I graduated, but only in June). Also, fun fact; I was bullied in 6th grade, I've been called "fat" (< I don't take that as an insult), "ugly", and "stupid"; I've never done anything to those people, except retort to their insults. And, if anything, the second and third insult would, and should refer themselves (I'm not a mirror, people).

Present day handwriting:

^ That's in cursive, you should see it in print

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^ That's in cursive, you should see it in print.

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