Lovely tea party

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It's been two days since the last class-trial, Aoi enters the kitchen, a little anxious. When would the next murder occur? Could it be her? Troubling thoughts like these filled her head. She goes up to a counter searching for Ramen, as Sakura notices her.
A low and gruff voice fills the previous emptiness in the room. Sakura could see something was off with her, and so she walks up to Aoi.
-Would you care to join me for some tea?
Aoi turns around at the familiar figure, giving her a warm smile.
-Yea sure!
She keeps on a smile, even tho it's hard for her at this very moment. This high class swimmer takes a sea, leaving the idea of getting ramen behind. She's just happy to be in Sakura's presence, she could feel a strange connection between the two of them, something she'd never felt before. They then both sat down at a nearby table.
-I've always wanted to have tea with someone, but since I don't have the most inviting figure, that's sadly never happened. I'm glad to be in your presence dear Hina.
Sakura smiles, blushing a little. She started to get a liking to her, since not many peopleapproache her as she does. Aoi feels knots form in her stomach, but for some bizarre reason, it doesn't feel..bad. She didn't really know what was happening, but she could feel herself blushing a little herself.
-What tea would you like?
This muscular woman gets up, heading over to the tea cabinet.
-I really don't mind, but I'm a sucker for chamomile!
She smiles at the rather smaller girl, opening the cabinet to take out a chamomile and green tea tea-bag. She already had boiling water, so she just poured it in two different cups, soaking in the tea-bags.
-Hey I have an idea!
Sakura turned around, surprised at Aoi's sudden change of mood.
-How about we make this a tea party?
She laughs at the, lets all be honest with ourselves, incredibly cute girl's words. « Out of all people, she wanted to have a tea party with me? » Sakura thought this, her face turning a little redderthann before.
-If that's what would make you happy, dear Hina.
Before going back to their table, she picks up a donut box and their two teas. She then sits down, handing over the chamomile tea to Aoi.
-You brought donuts!
Aoi's face light up, how did she know donuts was her guilty pleasure?
-Of course, it wouldn't be a tea party without snacks.
Before Sakura knew it, she was completely red, staring deadly into the other's eyes. The slightly less athletic girl, without knowing why, started blushing as well. She then picked up a donut from the box in front of her, splitting it in half.
-Want some?
She extended her hand to Sakura, half of the donut in it. Sakura took a sip of her tea before replying.
-No thank you, I'm alright.
-Ah come on they're good!
Before Sakura could react, she had already put the donut in her mouth. Sakura could feel herself turn bright red. The girl in front of her was so beautiful and caring, even towards an ogre like her. She happily ate the donut. Aoi's expression suddenly changed.
-Hey..are you a little worried too? About this whole killing game thing?
Sakura looked up at Aoi.Seeing her in such pain made her want to find the person behind this and rip them to shreds, even if it was her own mother!
-Of course I am.
She hesitated before continuing.
-I swear on my life I will protect you, dear Hina.
Aoi's face turned bright red, as she devoured the rest of her donut, then taking a sip of her tea.
-Really? That's..
Her expression changes to a confused look.
-Do you..also feel some strange connection between us?
Sakura was shocked at first, then gathered all the courage in her.
-That would be correct, dear Hina. The truth is, I like you, as more then friends.
Aoi looked up at Sakura and smiles
-I-I think I do too
All she wanted to do was be in Sakura's embrace. She was always so nice and reassuring towards her, it made her want to spend the rest of their days together. Sakura takes in what the girl in front of her said, then puts her hand on her cheek.
-Im glad to hear that
She smiles sweetly, red as a tomato. She couldn't believe this was happening. Aoi tried to hold back tears, she was happy she had someone to count on during this horrible « game ». Together through thick and thin. She got up and ran into Sakura's arms. Sakura got up from her chair, suprised.
-Im so happy that you're here Sakura I just..I love you so much.
She sobs, letting tears stream down her face. Happy tears. Sakura held her close, patting her head.
-Me too, me too.
In the heat of the moment, Aoi suddenly got a lot of courage.
-Would you like to be my girlfriend?
She smiles up at the muscular figure.
-Of course dear Hina, now would you like to join me at the pool?
She smiles back at the smaller girl, playing with her ponytail.
-Of course.
She pulls away from Sakura, holding her hand, as they head out of the kitchen, letting their « tea party » sit on the table.

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