What's A Valentine?

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Running her hands down her dress, Danielle gave herself one last look in the mirror. "Come on Dani girl; I know you ask why you do this year after year, but it is a small price to pay. We can do this and then go back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow." Smoothing out her favorite long-sleeved empire waist high-lo dress in black that shows off her thick milk chocolate legs adorned in her light purple Maryjane 4-inch stilettos; she inhaled deeply calming her nerves. She finished the look off with her silver hoops and amethyst pendant. She hears a faint ringing sound and walks over to the comm by her bedroom door, "Yes."

"Miss Danielle, he's here."

"Thank you, Sergio. I'll be right down." Walking over to her dresser Danielle picks up her clutch, double checking the contents and pops her lips in the mirror to blend her purple lipstick again. "One night, that's it."


He was rushing so that he was not caught in the LA traffic with everyone trying to make it to the fanciest of restaurants for their reservations. Grateful that he had the flowers delivered to his office before he left. It had been a long day of meetings, but he could not wait to see her.

Enjoying the view of passing trees, he didn't realize how much he missed her, and he wanted her to know. It was time for him to stop hiding. He messed up years ago and knows he should have handled things differently. He is only hoping he isn't too late.

He pulls up to her building and parks in the structure underneath. He grabs the flowers, removes his tie, and quickly glances at himself through the window. "Ok, it's now or never. She needs to know that you are serious. Tonight is the night." Approaching the concierge at the front desk, he notices a man overloaded with all things Valentine-related. "You need some help man?" Reaching for the stuffed bear that was about to fall out of the guy's arms.

"Yeah, thanks, I appreciate it." He lifts himself back up to his full height and sets the rest of the items on the counter. Pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket, and opening it quickly. "I just needed to make sure I had this on me."

"She must be a lucky woman." The stranger passed the bear over to him, and the other guy put it in front of the ridiculously huge bouquet of red and pink roses, and the box of candy on the counter. It looked like the bear was supposed to hold that. "Big night ahead?"

"Yeah, this is the night. We've been together for almost 4 years now, and I can't think of anyone else I want to spend my life with, ya know?"

"That's beautiful man. She must love Valentine's Day with all you have here."

"Oh, does she! That's what makes her perfect for me."

Nodding in response, he leans over and speaks with the concierge, "Could you call up to Danielle George's apartment." The gift-baring gentleman next to him stops what he is doing.

"Ahhhh, I would sir, but she is already on her way down to the lobby," Sergio replies. Nodding, the stranger looks towards the elevator.

"So, you know Danielle?"

"Yeah, we grew up together in Oakland."

Eyeing the flowers in the other man's hands, black and purple roses wrapped in a silver ribbon. He continues to stare the man down as he takes in his slightly disheveled yet professional look, a black tailored suit, unbuttoned shirt, and expensive loafers. "You must be Erik."

"Do I know you?" Erik asks, trying to think where he would know a guy stupid enough to carry all that shit instead of having it sent to his girl. He shakes his dreads pushing them off to one side of his head.

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