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(P.S. this chapter was partly inspired by Detroit: Become Human, hope you enjoy!)

Stepping out of the taxi, (y/n) swiped her card and grabbed the bags that she was so eager to get home.

Walking up to the door, she hastily typed in her key code and opened the door, shutting it almost as soon as she was inside, being alone at night had always scared the (h/c)ette, that was one of the main reasons she had made the spring for an android.

"Dalton?" (y/n) called out, waiting for the android to appear.

"Hey, welcome home."

Dalton wasn't like other androids, at least she didn't speak or act like them. This was due to the fact that she had been installed with a "personality pack" almost as soon as she was assembled. The only problem with that was, with the technology being in its early stages, (y/n) had close to no control over what the personality would be. Honestly, (y/n) thought she had turned out fine, if not a bit crass or harsh at times, but this showed to be a problem when she brought Dalton out in public with her. Dalton proved to be even more protective than she was programmed to be and showed close to no empathy or kindness, traits that (y/n) valued greatly. This was something (y/n) was determined to fix.

"I got you something!" the shorter woman exclaimed excitedly, setting the bags carefully on the table.

"Oh, for me? You shouldn't have." Dalton said in her usual don't-carish manner.

(y/n) furrowed her brow at this. comments like that always made her feel just a bit hurt, even though she knew Dalton couldn't help herself.

"Well, I think you'll like this one!"

"Yeah?" Curiosity levels peaking, the brunette walked over and looked inside one of the bags.

"Affection kit?" She half snorted out.

"I just feel like, for a care robot, you can be a little needlessly harsh at times."

"Uh oh spaghetti ohs." The android said, mimicking a phrase that she had heard (y/n) use, making the human snort back a laugh.

This made the android smile.

She didn't know why, but she always felt a small spark in her chest when the human laughed.

She would have to report that in her next virus sweep, she supposed.

"Are you okay with this?" the shorter woman asked nervously, snapping Dalton out of her thoughts.

The taller laughed softly, taking in how guilty the other sounded, probably feeling terrible for getting the pack without asking her first.

How cute.

"Sure, if it'll stop your lectures every time we go out, then how bad could it be?"

later that night, they sat in the kitchen, (y/n) reading over the manual, and Dalton sitting on a kitchen stool looking bored, shifting her lanky, yet muscular frame in an attempt to get more comfortable.

"Are you done, you know I can just do this myself, it's in my programming."

(y/n) sighed and set the instructions on the counter, sighing defeatedly.

"Fine, I should probably stop procrastinating and start making plans for tomorrow anyway."

Dalton paused, then frowned, looking over.

"I don't remember you saying we had plans for tomorrow."

(y/n) sighed, she hadn't been looking forward to this conversation

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