"Tomorrow Couldn't Come Soon Enough" (Part 7)

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NOTE: It's actually really important that you listen to the songs in the side bar because most of them end up relating to the story later on, which is probably already obvious with this one. Hope you enjoy, because there's still loads to come!


“YOU WHAT?!” Sophia’s voice pierced through my ears.

“Like I said, Julian’s phone was in the hoodie that he gave me, so he texted me pleading me to meet up with him. When the countdown to 12:00 started I figured that I was done with hiding from boys, so I went to find him. We walked, we talked, and we laughed. It was…. perfect, almost like a dream. He wants to meet up sometime tomorrow, and I think I’m going to.” Sophia was silent on the other end of the phone. “Soph, are you there?”

“Elena! I’m so happy for you, just be careful, okay? And text me all the goss after your date!”

“You know I will.” Smiling I hung up and collapsed onto my bed. My smile covered my whole face; I had a date with Julian tomorrow.

-I’m thinking dinner and movies? Julian x

I squeezed my eyes shut, begging myself to fall asleep. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.

We met up outside the cinema, with cheesy grins plastered on both of our faces. I’m not going to lie; Julian looked mighty fine. He was wearing blue-wash jeans that emphasized all the right places, and his biceps were peeking out from the sleeves of his shirt. I made a mental note to discreetly feel his arms at some stage tonight.

“You look nice.” His tone was a little shaky; I guess he was as nervous as I was.

“Awwh, you’re too sweet. So what movie are we seeing?”

He flashed me a cheeky smile, “I hope you like comedies, because we’re seeing Horrible Bosses.”

My face lit up, “Love comedies!”

So far the date was better than I’d imagined; ‘Horrible Bosses’ was a killer, we couldn’t control our laughter, and our sexual tension was absolutely unbearable. I definitely could get used to his company. Walking out of the cinemas my hand lightly brushed against his, god I wanted to hold his hand so bad. I knew I was stupid for falling so quick, but it was Julian; everything felt special with him.

“So what’s next Julian?”

His face perked up with excitement, “Dinner.”

We paced the streets of Adelaide as Julian led me to his favourite diner. The silence was filled with conversation of likes, dislikes and passions, as well as our old childhood memories. He was absolutely intriguing, and I hung on every word he said. It baffled me as to how one boy could be intelligent, hilarious, sweet, and so bloody good looking. I believe I’d pinched myself at one point, as I was certain that I’d fallen into some sort of comma. But no, every amazing millisecond of this night was in fact real.

A busker played in the street, and it was almost as though I had a soundtrack to my fairy tale night (*SONG IN SIDEBAR*). Reaching towards his pocket Julian approached the busker and placed what appeared to be a $20 note in his guitar case.

“That’s very generous of you…”

He smiled, “I like music.”

I stopped walking as Julian began biting on his lower lip as a sign of nervousness.

“Did you forget something?”

“Can I kiss you?” The words came out quick and flustered, my mind could barely comprehend them.

What? I swear to god that was not my imagination, he’d actually asked. I giggled, “Really? You’re asking for my permission to kiss me?”

His cheeks were burning red, “Yeah, I guess I am. So, can I?”

What happened next I would be continually replaying over in my mind for months…

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