Chapter Three: The Circle

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The next day I was prepared to spend the Saturday evening with my family, worshiping the Goddess and cleansing myself of my worries.

I was also ready to get the ritual over with for my father. I knew I had to do it, and I knew I couldn't tell anyone, especially not my mother or brother, but I also needed to get it all off my chest before the night progressed. I pulled out my book of shadows and grabbed a pen.

My book of shadows had been a gift from my mother when I turned fourteen, although I had a composition book before that I had used. It is brown leather, with the tree of life into both sides of the cover and a hemp string to bind it together. I had guessed that it had come from the metaphysical shop a few towns over, but since it was a gift I had never asked.

Now it was filled halfway with my slanted handwriting, and was full of spells, rituals, guides on herbs or crystals, and a few journal entries when I needed to get something off my chest or record my progress. I had spelled my book as soon as I had learned how to do it, but I also liked to keep it under my mattress just in case.

After writing down my plans, and including a copy of the ritual I would be doing tonight, I closed my book and bound it shut, shoving it under the mattress. It was time for the circle.

I clomped down the stairs, wearing my flip flops and my white dress. I always used this dress during ritual or casting circles. It was almost see-through white, with long bell sleeves. It made me feel as pure as rain, especially after I had left it to moon gaze for three full moons in a row.

My brother and mother were already waiting for me downstairs. Rowan wore his gym shorts and a plain white t-shirt, but sported his favorite pentagram necklace and a big grin on his face. He complimented my mother's cookies as she glowed back at him. My mother wore a blue gown that she had bought at a renaissance fair two years ago. The gown was lush and felt like velvet, with a hood and butterfly sleeves that truly made her look like a Goddess on Earth.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked, as I snatched up a cookie.

"Just let me grab my selenite and moonstone, you guys go on ahead. Oh, Rowan, could you grab a dried smudge stick from the greenhouse? Sage and Lavender please!" Mom called out, as she entered the back storage room used for her crystal collection and other tools of the craft.

Rowan walked towards the door, beckoning me to step ahead of him.

"Ladies first."

As soon as I hit the first step of the porch I hear a faint "Meoooww" and look down to see a ball of fur flying off of the railing straight onto my chest.

"There you are Sparkles! Where on earth have you been?!" I cried, as I cradled her to my chest. I got a slight purr and nudge before she flew from my arms and ran back into the darkness of the woods.

"That cat of yours has some serious issues. Last night I saw her chasing a rabbit in circles out in the front yard. Needless to say, she wasn't successful in her catch." Rowan jokes.

I slapped his arms and pouted in the direction of my cat, wondering where she has been spending her evenings. Her food bowl was always empty in the mornings, so I knew she still came around to eat, but she rarely came home for cuddles anymore. I had to assume she just loved the hunt of the woods.

I followed Rowan to the greenhouse door and watched as he reached in and cut down a freshly dried bundle of white sage. He walked to the left side of the room and cut down another bunch, this time of lavender, and bound the two herbs together with hemp twine.

"Come'on Bren, we're all set."

I followed him behind the building and down the trail which had been made by our routine footfall. A few trees along the way were carved with runes for protection and divinity, marking this our sacred place of worship.

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