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I wake up the next morning, happier than I have been in a while. With my mom gone and my best friend a couple states away I was so scared I'd be miserable every minute I spent here.

Zach and I sat in his living room last night with 2 bowls of spaghettios and StarStruck playing on the TV. We deemed it necessary after our jam session in the car. The best part was, Zach knew every song in the movie. When Christopher Wilde (aka the love of my life) was at his parents party, and he sang Hero, I thought I was gonna pass out because of how good Zach sounded singing it.

I reach over to my beside table and grab my phone. I see a couple messages from unknown numbers, and then one from just Zach.

Zack the Pickles Man: can you send the video of us singing in the car?

I quickly find the video in my photos and send it to him, getting a reply almost immediately.

Zach the Pickles Man: best jam of my life😊

After replying I click on the other messages I've been sent. It's a group chat and I don't know any of the numbers, except Zach is in it. When I scroll to the top of the chat I am surprised at what I see. Zach's dumbass actually found my videos on YouTube, and he sent the link in the chat, which I assume is all the other guys from the band.

Zach the Pickle Man: *youtube link*

Zach the Pickle Man: this is for anyone else who had no idea how good her voice is 😍

Unknown: damn holly are you hiding anything else from us?

Unknown: wtf holly

Unknown: she's funny and she's talanted???

Zach the Pickle Man: not to mention pretty

Unknown: is that her number in here?

Zach the Pickle Man: yes but I think she's still asleep

Zach the Pickle Man: everyone send your names so she knows who it is when she wakes up

Unknown: Jonah

Unknown: Jack

Unknown: blueface baby

Unknown: kidding it's Daniel

Unknown: Corbyn

I continue to read the conversation they had until I was completely caught up. Then I texted

Princess Holly: wow Zach really is a stalker

Zach the Pickle Man: she speaks!!!

Jonah: you're not wrong Zach is pretty weird

Princess Holly: how did u even find those my names not even in there at all

Zach the Pickle Man: I was VERY determined

Daniel: that's not creepy at all... sykeee

Jack: ^^^

Corbyn: ^^^^^^

Princess Holly: ^^^^^^^^^^^

Jonah: holly you're really good tho

Jack: what if she was in one of our songs broooooo

Princess Holly: wouldn't that cause a lot of speculation 🤔

Daniel: probably but we could maybe all do a cover or something and you could put it on your you tube

Corbyn: did you say that song was an original in the video??

Princess Holly: yes I did don't judge it plz

Secret // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now