Chapter 1

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You'll never know what's behind the mask of a person's smile. The veil between you and them is like the Atlantic Ocean pushing against you. It's cold and abrupt, you'll never know what is hidden underneath the surface unless you check. But every ocean has its secrets, some are deeper than you will ever bring to the light. Some are meant to stay down and never be revealed, because you will never know where the monsters lie within the murkiness of the truth.

Emotions can fly higher then what you're willing to take. You will never know it's out of your control until it's too late. The hole you dug is too deep to undo. The line you walk to find out what's behind that smile can be treacherous if you dive in too far into that darkness. But like every darkness you don't know what it is until you've tasted its bittersweet aftertaste. That's why no smile is ever easy, anyone could be stuck in the darkness trying to break free. But sometimes no words can form the poison on your tongue you have to go through.

The voices in our head echo who we are supposed to be —what we're made of. The peer pressures we face is like diamonds being scrutinized from every angle to be examined and molded into something perfect. But not everyone is a lustrous diamond, competent enough to survive through the endeavors coming.

At the end of the day we don't need to be a perfect diamond for others expectations. Humans have the potential to shine like a light bulb any given day. Although at any moment the west wind billowing up in darkness can blow the light away with one puff. But the darkness can't hold on for long no matter how big. Memories float in our heads like lemon drops along with the perplexing emotions of love. Longing clings to us that gives us the fuel to thrive and most importantly. Stay alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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