Creepy pasta

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Name: Madeline
Nick name: Maddy
Killer name: Mistress of the night
How they got their killer name: she hunts for her victims in dark secluded areas
Appearance: long black hair with red eyes and pale skin(looks like her mother)
Sexuality: straights
Gender: female (she/her)
Outfit: black and red striped long sleeved shirt with a black T-shirt over top of it, dark jeans, and black converse
Killer outfit: white lab coat with black clothes underneath
Family: the only child born of Monika(blonde with green eyes) and Kyle ( black hair with red eyes)
Pets: (several cats) Luna, Aquarius,Capricorn, June,April, Bon bon, Freddy, Kit, and Whiskers
Crush: Ben drowned
Notable people:
Weapons: scalpels, knives, medicines
Killing method: torture
Abilities: she is very fast and agile and very stealthy
Back story: Madeline's parents were killed in a car wreck when she was 10. Leaving her to live with her elderly grandmother. She progressively got harder and harder to take care of, and after several suicide attempts her grandmother was forced to put her in a mental institution. She was later raped by one of the doctors shattering her damaged mind. She drugged and tortured the doctor before slowly gifting him with death. She then escaped with the help of slender who wanted her to live with him and his "children"

Name: Felix
Killer name: Shadow
Appearance: black hair, yellow eyes
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Crush: lord zalgo tho he hits on any man he sees fit
Outfit: he typically wears all black
Weapon: deception
Killing method: knife in the back (figure of speech)
Abilities: shape shifter
Back story: he was abandoned by his mortal parents the second they found out he was gifted with powers he was left in the woods and found by scarecrow he wasd then taken to lord zalgo and raised by his followers.

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