Chapter 3: The Woods Behind Kakariko Village; The Isolated Plateau

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Author's Note: Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy IRL with summer camps and it honestly slipped my mind. Moving forward though, I will probably be updating on a biweekly schedule, I.e. once every two weeks, and the updates will most likely happen on Mondays. If there is no update on Monday, then look for the update on Tuesday, but no later than Wednesday.

I hope you enjoy the story, friends.


Luckily I was able to wake up this morning before Paya, so I snuck out and went to this small pond I found just beyond the village. I chanced upon it one day while exploring the area and I was drawn to it. I don't mind the village too much, but it gets tedious seeing everyone looking at me with such hope and wonder in their eyes. They truly believe I will be able to save them and it's starting to weigh on me some. I hope I don't let them down and fail in my quest of freeing the Divine Beasts and defeating the Calamity Ganon. There's so much riding on my shoulders and it's becoming stifling.

Anyways, this wooded area is really nice. It's secluded and it doesn't appear to see a lot of foot traffic, meaning I can do some more writing and trying to figure out what it is that I should be remembering. A little further back there appears to be a shrine entrance, or at least that's what it looks like to me, but I can't see a way inside. On the pedestal there is a circle that looks like it could house a ball of some kind, but I will have to find that if I want to solve the mystery of this wooded place. To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of all these mysteries that surround me. I tried asking Impa straight forward what made me so special and she just deflected the question with a smile and a rather roundabout explanation.

Impa had explained to me when I first got to the village that my memories had been locked away somehow and I needed to seek out these locations that were on the Sheikah Slate. Impa had taken a look at it and explained to me that the images I saw must have been areas the princess and I had visited before I went into my deep slumber and there was a possibility I could recover my memory if I visited them.

If I had to be honest, none of them really look that familiar to me, but I guess that's because of the whole missing memory thing. It would make sense, but in a way, I was thinking just by looking at the images would jog my memory and help me remember who I was. Sadly that wasn't the case, so I suppose I'll just take Paya's advice and write down what it is that I do remember and hope something in these pages will help me remember what had happened 100 years ago.

Although it's kind of hard to write in this spot. The peaceful atmosphere and tranquility makes me want to lay back on the grass and just stare at the sky. I have this urge a lot and I wonder if it's something I used to do before I had been asleep. It also makes me wonder if I really am the chosen hero simply because that doesn't seem like something a hero would do. I don't know what a hero is, but if I had to guess, they were someone that's constantly on the move, wanting to help people and save the world. So far the only people I have helped are myself and some of the villagers in Kakariko Village. I want to talk to someone about this, but I guess I'm afraid that wonder and hope in their eyes will vanish if they find out I just want to laze around all day.

Maybe that's why I'm finding it so hard to believe I'm the light that will bring back peace and hope to this kingdom. I feel the urgency to get started on this quest, but at the same time, something is whispering to me that maybe I don't need to be in that big of a hurry. I push this thought aside and try to focus on the bigger picture, but I guess this is what Paya would call self-doubt. When I first got here, she was full of it and didn't look at me for too long, but as I stayed in the village, she slowly came around and started talking to me more. I asked her one afternoon why she had been so afraid of me before and I must have caught her off guard, or came off as rude, because her face turned bright red and she started stammering out a reply. She explained to me that she wasn't as brave as me and she found it hard to talk to people, especially men, and that she was filled with doubt. She was supposed to be the next leader of the village when her grandmother passed on, but Paya didn't know if she was ready for such a large task. Everyone in the village looked up to Impa and had such respect for her, that Paya felt like she wouldn't be able to fill those shoes. I tried to reassure her that she would make a fine leader, just based off how she managed all the tasks and requests the villagers had, but she only shook her head.

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