how these awards work 🌊

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as always, if anyone has any questions, comment below or send me a pm!


how many chapters will be judged?

in these awards, only three of your chapters will be judged. this is for a variety of reasons. one is simply time management. if a book has over a hundred chapters, it will take me a long time to get through it all. another reason is because it wouldn't be fair to only judge four chapters of someone's book and fifty-three of another person's. judging three chapters allows me to manage my time more efficiently and get the results out more quickly, while also giving me enough content to judge.

will our scores be revealed to us (publicly or privately?)

yes they will! however, you must pm this account at the end of the awards to claim your score and review. this way i know that you are still active and haven't disappeared during the course of the judging. additionally, if you don't want your score/review, this will prevent me from sending it to you. 

all reviews will be sent privately over pm. however, the top three scores (winner, second place, third place) will be made public at the end.

how long will the reviews be?

they won't be extremely long or detailed. i won't be offering an in-depth analysis of every single chapter i read, writing one for 30 entries will take too long. instead, i will be offering brief thoughts on each category of the judging rubric. 

with this being said, i think it's a good time to remind everyone i'm not a professional in any way. you are free to disregard my comments if you want to. they are just my own thoughts and opinions on your book.

how long will these awards last?

i am aiming to get everything done by the end of august, mainly because after that period of time, i will be quite busy. but please note that nothing is set in stone. things may come up, schedules may change, etc. please be respectful of this. i'm only human. i cannot promise that there won't be delays if something does happen. however,  i will do my very best to get the results out asap.

how long will prize distribution take?

most likely somewhere between one to two weeks.


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