Chapter 8

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Jazz was sitting in a chair still handcuffed with her feet tied to the legs of the chair. There was a huge plasma television mounted on the wall tuned in to the show "Big Brother". The room was decked out with hardwood floors and Persian rugs in certain spots. A woman who was Six foot without heels walked in wearing six inch stiletto Red Bottoms. She stood in front of Jazz and started shaking her head she walked over to the bar but stopped in her tracks and turned back to Jazz. She pointed her finger at her and shook her head once more. When she got to the bar she made a vodka tonic and slowly sipped.

"You know, haha no that's not how I want to say it everyone starts off like that right?" The tall woman said taking another sip. Jazz sat there with a evil mug on her face.

"Smile honey you looking all mad when I am the one picking a bone with you. Not vice versa." The woman said as she walked over to a closet.

"Why am I here Lena?" Jazz said half sure of the answer. Lena turned around and slapped Jazz.

"Because you didn't kill her. Instead you fell in love and then dipped out of my life without finishing business. Ha, I bet you haven't even told her your secret." Lena said downing the rest of her drink and going to pour another. Jazz looked up but didn't say anything. Lena chuckled.

"You were sent to kill her a simple task gone totally awry. I did my part and got her mother but what did you do besides fail me. What are we going to do honey? Cuz this is my favor you owed me, this is all I asked." Lena said starting on her second drink

"Let me go and let me handle it like I was." Jazz said wondering if it would work. Lena sat there and made a gesture as if she was liking the idea.

"You know why the tv is on "Big Brother"? Because someone is ALWAYS watching and I have been watching you. It's time you step up either kill Christina because I told you to or I will reveal your secret to her myself, watch her hurt and hurt then take her out of her misery." Lena said ending with a smile as if the idea of killing Christina was a grand prize. Jazz sat there her mind going back to when this all began, she didn't understand the motive then but it was quick money in a time of need and like Lena never let her forget she owed her a favor. Jazz had gotten so fucked up and numb that night that she wasn't even nervous about shooting Lena's victim. Lena hadn't given a photo or anything no this was much more serious than that.

The Night Jazz and Christina Met

Christina was standing in the line outside of Vice a hot new club that was having it's grand opening. She was with her best friend Tiffany and they were there to support Tiffany's brother Tony he was opening for some hot rapper that nobody can remember now. Christina was sporting a form fitting white strapless dress she picked out during a shopping spree she won from a radio contest. She was always lucky when it came to winning things and finding what was meant for her. Christina's hair had flowing curls and her makeup was done just right to where it looked like she wasn't wearing any.

Jazz was sitting in the parking lot in her car waiting for the signal and to find out her target, her cell phone beeped and she answered it quickly.

"The only person out here wearing white? Curly hair, ok." Jazz said as she closed the phone she got out of the car and headed towards the line. She was scrolling the line looking for people who had on white she was praying more than one person had it on. She only saw one white outfit and gulped loudly she walked up behind the target and a strong beautiful scent hit her and then they met eyes. Christina turned around and flashed her award winning smile and Jazz melted and instantly forgot what she was supposed to be doing. Just then they opened the doors and people began entering when Jazz finally got it together her target was already inside.

Jazz spotted Christina inside about 30 mins later and was taken aback once again by her beauty. Christina already had liq in her system and was out on the dance floor just getting it. Jazz headed to the bar and ordered a shot when someone walked up behind her.

"Are you going to save me a dance tonight love?" Christina said as she pressed her chest against Jazz's back. Jazz normally did all the talkng and was turned on that this femme just demanded what she wanted. The first dance they shared was to a Reggae song and they hadn't been apart since. 

End of flashback

Jazz and Christina's house

Christina was sitting in the middle of the floor knees brought into her chest and she just rocked back and forth. She had no answers as to what was going on and was still waiting before she called the police. The doorbell rang and she quickly ran to it only to be greeted by the UPS man. She signed for the package only giving one squiggly line and closed the door. When she opened the package it was the gift she had ordered to give Jazz the night of her party. Christina threw it down and walked upstairs to the bedroom.


"So do I let you go to finish the job or what?" Lena said as she loaded her pistol and cocked it before pointing it at Jazz

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