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        All I have known about my past is that my father an mother wanted me, but apparently my life was threatened so I was given away. About a week ago my foster parents got a visit from a guy with an eye patch. He told them that when I was adopted there was a misunderstanding. That I was never up for adoption, I was only there because my real father Howard Stark put me there to protect me from his enemies.
        "Get in here you little brat." my foster mother yelled to me.
        "Y-y-yes ma'am." I stuttered. "We're finally getting rid of you. Because apparently you weren't suppose to get adopted." she barked.
        "And this young man here is taking you away for good, got that." my foster father chimed in.
        "Of course sir, would the both of you like me to pack all my belongings that I have in the attic." I asked while flinching to get hit.
        "Wait, what I just heard is that the both of you have been treating Howard Stark's only daughter like crap?" the young man asked.
        "Of course, this child has been trouble the moment she learned how to walk and talk." my foster mom told him.
        "Well by the power S.H.I.E.L.D. has given me, the both of you are under arrest and this very intelligent child will return with her rightful family." he told them.
        "You can't do that this brat never learns the lessons that we give her, plus we will sue you, whatever your name is." my foster father yelled.
        "The names Nick Fury, but we will be doing the suing not you."

*After a few hours later on a car drive.*

        "So, are you ready to meet your family?" Nick asked me.
        "Y-y-yes sir." I stuttered.
        "There's no need to be afraid Eryn, I would never harm you and neither will your family." Nick reassured me.
        "I have always feared John and Molly because I would be doing nothing wrong and they would beat me for no apparent reason." I told Nick before crying.
        "It's okay Eryn, you will be fine and we barely found out that you got adopted."
        "So, I was in a foster home for protection."
        "Yes, but apparently somebody wanted to kill you. That is the only reason why you were in a foster home Eryn."
        "I was wondering. How do you know my name and my past?" I asked.
        "The only reason I know so much about you is because your father Howard Edward Stark created Stark Industries and help founded S.H.I.E.L.D."he told me.
        "Okay, but what is my full name, I only know my first name and now my last name?"
        "Your full name is Eryn Loki Silver Stark, also thank you Mr. Fury."
        "Please call me Nick, Mr. Fury seems to formal for me."

*Two years later after Eryn moved to Malibu, then 6 months later they moved to Manhattan, New York.*

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