Chapter 3

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Tony's POV

It has been nearly two weeks since I had taken Eryn to the hospital after she went unconscious. I haven't heard from Loki or Thor at since then. All I'm hoping is that nothing terrible happened to them.
"Mr. Stark, your sister has awoken from the coma." a nurse tells me.
"Thank you so much nurse." I respond.
"It was my pleasure Mr. Stark"
After I stood up from where I was sitting, the nurse winks at my and mumbles 'call me'. All I do is smile and wave at her. I finally reached Eryn's room after have been flirted with by nearly every singal nurse in the hospital. I actually see the beautiful color fill her cheeks, all I hope it that I don't take that away from her. The only thing that hurts me more that seeing parents killed is seeing to hope, trust, joy, and most of all that one special thing in her wonderful sapphire blue eyes.
"Hey, Tony you look worried about something?" Eryn asked me.
"Oh it's nothing that I'm worried about, except for the fact that you're finally awoken from you two week long coma." I reassure her.
"I was in a coma for two weeks. Where are mom and dad, and where is Loki?" Eryn asked with a hint of unexpected in her tone of voice.
I just look down to overt her gaze. I don't want to see that special thing escape her eyes. When I finally got the courage to look into her eyes all I could see was chaos growing in her.
"Tony what aren't you telling me, and you better answer truthfully to me or so help me!" she yelled at me.
I hesitated to tell her the truth. "Well the thing is mom and dad were killed only a few short minutes after you fell unconscious."
"What that can't be true, you're lying. Mom and dad will come through that door and ask me if I'm okay?" she questioned me with that look in her eyes telling me that she has excepted it, but rather not tell me the truth that her heart is broken.
"I'm so sorry Eryn. I tried my best to save them, but it was to late. Loki told me to get the team out of the building and get you to a hospital before you were harmed while Thor and him tried to capture the killer before they got away." All I could do was watch my little sister start to tear up. I walk over to her and pull her into a tight hug so all of the tears Eryn was crying to fall onto my shoulder. This went on what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was about two hours there was a knock at the door. This caused Eryn to flinch and curl up into me even more. I finally get her off of me and approach the door with caution, when I finally open it i get greeted by the team, Loki (which I was happy to see he was doing fine) and his brother Thor.
"Hello Anthony, has Eryn awaken from her long coma?" Loki was the first to speak up.
"Yeah she has and you were one of the people she was worried about." I tell him. The rest of the team look curious about what I was even talking about that involved Loki out of everyone.

Eryn's POV

While I was crying into Tony's shoulder I heard a knock at the door and flinched which made me curl up into Tony more. He then managed to pull me away from him and approached to door with caution. When he finally opened the door all I could see was the team,Loki (I was so happy he was alive) and Loki's brother Thor. All I heard after my brother Tony opened to door was him talking to Loki.
"Hello Anthony, has Eryn awaken from her long coma?" I heard Loki ask Tony.
Then Tony responds with, "Yeah she has and you were one of the people she was worried about." When I heard Tony tell Loki that I started to blush madly.
"I'm over here if any of you were wondering how I was doing." I finally spoke up without my voice cracking which only ment I was no longer blush.
"Eryn, you're okay. I was very worried when you went unconscious and I have a feeling Tony already told you about your parents." Loki said with a look of worry not chaos, lies, or mischief like I did see two weeks ago.
"Yeah he did tell me, but there's no need to worry about me as long as I'm still kicking right." I said.
The only thing I was thinking about was Loki. Not my parents being dead or the worried look Tony was giving me, all I was thinking was that Loki was here with me and alive. That may sound cheesy,but what else can I do. I have a feeling that Loki had a reason to be worried about me. Then again I was told I had some of his blood in my blood stream. Loki looked like he was very concerned about me when he was told that I was the one that had his blood.
"Eryn are you okay, you look a bit pale?" I heard Loki say which caused me to leave my train of thought.
"Yes, I'm fine Loki thank you for being worried about me. I have a question for you?" I asked Loki.
"What is your question Eryn?" He said with curiosity in his eyes. By the gods of Asgard his eyes are very just magnificent.
"I was wondering why Nick Fury said I have someone else's blood in my blood stream?"
"Well the reason for that is when you were born I was sent to Midgard to protect twin siblings from any harm that may come there way. You my dear just happened be one of the twins only to be on the verge of death, so your father begged me to save you. The only way to save you was to transfer some of my blood into you blood stream. I did what I was told, but that caused for some of your father's arch-enemies soon found out that you have rare blood in you that causes you to have inhuman abilities." Loki said without any hesitation.
"So, I have the abilities to do whatever I like. The only thing is I use my abilities for good not evil?" I asked while I looked back at Tony.
"Well not exactly. Your powers are the same a a frost-giant." Thor finally spoke up after awhile of staying quiet.
"What is a frost-giant?" Tony and I asked in unison.
"Well a frost-giant is what I am." Loki said while he looked at the ground.
"What do you mean you're a frost-giant?" I asked with concern in my voice. Then I realized I my skin was turning blue with different interesting designs.
"This is what happens when a frost-giant gets emotionally unstable." Loki said will taking a few steps toward me to see if he is able to calm me down.
"When will this go away?" Tony asked.
"It differs on how emotionally unstable the frost-giant might be. When Loki first found out that he wasn't of Asgardian blood his Jouton form lasted for nearly two months, but with Eryn we may not be sure." Thor told Tony.
I just kept getting worried that I might hurt somebody, but when I was near Loki I could feel my skin going back to normal. I was just happy that he was trying to help me control the powers he had blessed me with. His eyes showed so much care, love, hope, compassion, and most of all the little hint of mischief. That is what made me melt when I saw him. All I hope is that I was back to normal and hope to be held in his arms for the warmth that Tony and given me, but that was in a brotherly way. Before I could comprehend the situation in front of me I found myself in the embrace of Loki. All I can hear is a very faint familiar voices coming from the doorway. I look over Loki's shoulder to see the Winchesters. Loki sees the joy in my eyes and lets me go. He then whispers 'You drive insane Eryn Loki Silver Stark'. I start to blush because that's the first time I hear him say my full name.
"Eryn, you're alive." I hear Dean say while he's crying tears of joy.
"Well did you really expect me to be dead after not seeing you both for 2 1/2 years." I say in a sarcastic sort of way.
"Well I see that your sarcasm hasn't dropped." Sam spoke.
"I'm just glad the both of you are still living and breathing." I said while walking up to them.
"Hey, at least you didn't go hunting with us okay." Dean said after he hugged me.
We had a conversation for nearly four hours. I was just really happy to see Sam and Dean again after what seemed like forever. The boys are like brothers I never wanted to have. They manage to make me smile, laugh, and enjoy being alive when most of the time was I should never have existed or I was better off dead than living. Sam taught me that I have to enjoy the wonders the world might throw at me. While Dean taught me to be brave, not to let others get the satisfaction of making me feel like crap. I was always wondering how my life would have been if I never met the Winchesters. The only thing I was thinking of was how is Tony taking this news. All I mean is that he got to be my big brother for 2 1/2 years while the Winchesters were my big brothers for most of my life. To me he seems very uncomfortable with every single piece of information that he has been presented with. I let go of the Winchesters and go walk up to Tony. He sees me walk up to him and just excepts the hug I was giving him.
"You alright Tony, you seem a little antagonized about something?" I ask.
"No everything is fine Eryn, there isn't anything you have to worry about." he response.

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