Talking about any friends who wanna join fearless

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R3KLESS: any off the readers pls tell me if u wanna join fearless. It might be a bad clan but we need super villains I DONT LIKE XEGGY WARIO-MAN AND MANY OTHER VILLAINS WHO VOTE FOR A VILLAIN PLS ANY VOLUNTEERS???
Mario: Mario is a super hero
R3kless: nope I won't choose u noob
WARIO-MAN: :( :( :(
SAIKO: nope I'm smg4 crew
PEWDIPIe: how about t- series
R3kless: no no no
Short story
R3kless: hey guys it's me r3kless.. Mario is showing us how too it that big nigga
Mario: this is how you it a big nigga
(y/n): *slaps the burger*
Mario: HEY WHAT THE FUUUU- *world of light beam shots Mario *
R3kless: now that's how you eat a big nigga

(Wow any one who support villain I can be in your story :) anyways lata)

(Y/n) and the smg4 save R3kless Where stories live. Discover now