💜#€ "Do you love me?" -Muriel- €#💜

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Part 1/2

Muriel was went out to get more fire wood leaving Inanna in the house alone. He got the wood and started walking back but he didn't want to go back. He wanted to go out to the shop that y/n worked at.

He wanted to so badly..... But he didn't. Instaid he put the wood down and just sat on a stump. After a while of sitting in the woods and thinking it started to rain. Still though he just sat there thinking.

You see he and y/n had started dating a while back. Around 8 months to be exact. They always hung out and did things together but there was this voice that kept telling him that y/c didn't realy love him.  After another while of thinking he started to cry overwhelmed with thoughts.

Soon the crying turned into loud sobs. Loud enough for a certain someone to hear on there way to his hut. The thoughts just kept coming and they soon turned more dark.

Y/c saw muriel crying paused then ran twords the big man. Muriel didn't realize until y/n arms were around him in a tight hug. It took longer than usual for muriel to hug back though.

Y/n didnt know what to do but knew they needed to get muriel inside. "Come on lets go back to hut. Your all wet." "...W-what about the wood?" "Dont worry I will bring it okay" Muriel just nodded and went back to the hut sniffiling. He got inside and quickly changed clothes before y/n could get inside.

Inanna was naping in the corner peacefully and he sat down on the floor. Y/n entered struggling to hold all the wood in their hands.

"Here let me help-" "No I got it you go sit down."

Muriel backed off but the thoughts came back. 'Your useless. They don't need you. Their better off without you.' He tried to ignore them but it didn't work. 'Their probaly cold from the rain and you still have them do the work, ugh.' More tears ran down Muriels face as he cried. He put his head down and hugged his knees crying.

Y/n put the wood down and made a fire before noticing. "Muriel." Y/n gasped and ran twords him and went to hug him. He hugged back tightly and put his head in the crook of his neck. He sobbed loudly for a while before calmimg down still shaking. "Muriel, what's wrong?" Y/n asked. Muriel just shook his head not wanting to answer. "Tell me." Y/n pulled back from the hug holding his sholders and looking straigh into his eyes.

Muriel looked down sighed and looked back up into y/n eyes. "...Do you love me?" He asked with tears in his eyes. Y/n was a bit shoked and their eyes began to water. They looked at the man in front of them and opened their mouth to speak.

"Muriel, of corse I love you!"They threw their hands around him again a few tears falling out of Their eyes. Muriel cried again hugging back. They sat there for a minute crying before y/n asked them something. "What made you think I didn't love you?" "...I-I don't know I just didn't feel like you did. I can't find a reason you would love me." "Your a strong, kind, caring, intelligant, being. That is why I love you. You are so perfect in every way possible."  Y/c said

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