Chapter Five, Goodbye.

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This was it... the moment where I say goodbye to my best friend. Knowing that I would not see him for the next three months. Tuesday night I couldn't sleep much. I soon realized that it was 8AM. It was time to get ready to go to the airport.

My mother walked in my room with a smile on her face and a muffin in her hand, expecting to try and cheer me up.
"I thought I heard you getting ready" she says as she sits down on my bed.
"Yeah I didn't really sleep much last night"
"Well don't be too sad.... you and Isaiah can FaceTime and text still. It's only three months Toni"
"I know mom but we do everything together"
"You'll be fine" my mother says as she gives me a hug and walks out of my room.

I start getting ready while thinking about how my summer would be without Isaiah and what I would do without having him here for advice and hugs after a hard day. After any hard day Isaiah would be there for me. I started thinking how my summer was going to be hard without him here.

I arrived at the airport meeting Charlotte outside.

"Are you ready for this?" She says with a forced smile and a tear in her eye.
"No, not really." I reply giving her a hug.
"Me either, but let's go in, he doesn't have to get on his plane for another hour"
We walk hand in hand, in total silence until we see Isaiah sitting down near his carry-on luggage.

"Hey! How are my best friends?" He says.

We both just smile for a minute with no reply. Isaiah was always so enthusiastic. No matter how hard something was, he tried to make the best out of it.

"Honestly not so good, we're gonna miss you!" Charlotte says breaking the silence after a while. I stay quiet while they talk.
"I know I'm gonna miss you guys too, but I will bring you back so many things you won't even know I was gone!"

We all laugh as Isaiah brings us in for a group hug. We all sit down and talk for a little bit until Charlotte wants to take photos for Instagram. We continue to goof off and take silly and serious photos, almost forgetting what we were at the airport for. Until we something over the intercom.
"Flight 342 is now bordering"
Isaiah's flight.
We stare at each other in silence. We were all in disbelief that an hour had went by so quickly.
"Well uhhh" Isaiah gulps "I guess that's me" he says forcing a smile and a laugh.
We walk with our arms locked together to the entrance. He smiles with a tear in his eye.
"I'm going to miss you two so much" he says while breaking down in tears.
"Were gonna miss you too" I say trying to hold back my tears.
We all stare at each other holding hands until the flight attendant breaks us up and says,
"Sir if you are on this flight you need to board now, we're about to take off"
"Okay" Isaiah replies as the flight attendant disappears off into the plane.
"We love you" Charlotte and I say in unison.
"I love you too" Isaiah says as he walks up the stairs and boards his flight.
Me and Charlotte sit there in silence and watch the plane take off. We eventually look at each other, she nods and grabs my hand as we walk to her car. We did not speak to each other after Isaiah left that morning. She got in her car and drove away. I sat in my car for a while before I drove away, nothing on my mind, I was just staring at the sky.

When I got home I sat on my bed and waited for Charlotte to call. But she never did. I stayed in my room for most of the day and read a book or rearranged my stuff. It's what I did when I had nothing else to do. That's when I got an email... saying that we would have rehearsal tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock.

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