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I was baking late at night in my kitchen when I could have sworn I heard someone call my name. I look up for a moment and turned my head. Nobody was there. I continued to stir my bowl full of chocolate cake batter. Moments pass and I heard it again a bit louder. I slam my bowl a bit rough on the table and turn my head several more times. Still nobody is there.
I grab a baking tray that I lined with butter and I heard someone say very clearly in what sounded like my mother's voice "you'll never be good enough." I drop the pan, it clangs very hard on the linoleum floor. I yelp out and grab onto the counter in fear. "Who's there?!" I yell out slowly gazing around the kitchen. When I turn towards the window I see what looks like my mother staring straight at me with a large creepy nearly comical smile. I walk backwards holding back tears. She just keeps smiling. How is she standing there I'm on the second floor?
She continues to stare at me and I hear it say "why do you bother trying?" It's coming from behind me and I turn around. It's in my house. It's almost exactly like her but that smile is still there unwavering. "What garbage have you created today?" It's mouth doesn't move. I try to scream but I've gone hoarse. It keeps walking closer and closer to me. I back up with each step it takes. "Go away!" Screaming out doesn't help, it continues to move closer. I reach the large kitchen window and it swings open. I can't move I'm frozen still. "Maybe you'll have better luck down there." It gives me a hard shove and I'm forced out of the window and onto the concrete.

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