The Farewell of Harry

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As I stayed curled up in a corner, the brief silence that came after were quickly replaced by the panicked chatter of pedestrians. It wasn't long until sirens were heard approaching the outside of the hotel. Everyone, but me, had left the lobby.

I picked myself up, and tried my best to make it outside, to see what had happened. Perhaps I was in denial at first when I heard those familiar sounds, but I had hoped that Harry was fine.

News reporters were quick to enter the scene.

"One Direction member, Harry Styles, had just gotten hit by a car and is currently being hurried into a hospital. As of now, no one knows what caused this, and the driver denies the blame. We'll keep you updated as the story goes on."

I was absolutely dumbfounded. Is this a dream? For once I wish I was dreaming. I rushed to my car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. I followed him all the way to the ICU. Of course, they wouldn't let me in. I just told them I was his friend, and gave them my contact information as proof. They told me to wait outside. Luckily, they did not allow the media to stay for long. After a while, I was left alone outside. No one from his family are in Australia, neither are his band members or other friends.

I waited patiently, almost eternally until someone came by. It was Zayn. It had been probably 12 hours since anyone else was with me besides the occasional nurse or doctor who would rush in and out of the room. I was still way too shocked and depressed to even be excited that my idol was in front of me.

"Are you here for Harry? You must be his friend." Zayn said, trying to keep his composure.

"Why is it just you here?" I asked.

"I think the other guys are busy, and his parents should be here shortly." Zayn replied. "Do you know how this happened?"

"It's... my fault." I said.

"How so?" Zayn questioned.

"He was looking for me after I stormed off, and..." I couldn't continue.

"Look, whatever you think happened, it couldn't have possibly been your fault." Zayn assured. "Harry is a bit of an airhead," he let out an uneasy laugh, but only once, "although I never thought something like this would happen." His mood suddenly gloomed. "I just hope he's fine. He's done some stupid things before, but nothing this severe."

"I'm worried. He's been in there for at least 12 hours." I sighed.

"I heard he took care of you." Zayn said, his words almost breaking.

"You heard right."

"That reminds me. We own a cat together. One day he accidentally stepped on our cat's paw. He felt so bad that he gave the cat attention all day and all night until it felt better. I guess he'll always be the same."

"You talk about him like you know him really well." I said, surprised.

"Of course, I do. We're friends." He replied.

"If that's the case then why did you leave the group? Everyone thinks that they had beef with you."

"Nonesense." He said. "Actually, I shouldn't say this since no one except us knows, but Harry and I..." he paused for a second, and continued. "We're a couple. It's been like that for years until our manager found out. The manager said that there should never be any relationships between the group. So I just did what I had to do. I simply left. Harry agreed with my decision, too, but it took some time for him to accept it."

I was taken aback by what he said. My greatest idol and someone whom I hated for so long was actually together the whole time. Maybe that's why he...

A nurse came outside, and told us we could come in. He adviced us that we should prepare for whatever we were about to be told.

We saw a barely concious Harry, clinging onto life. The doctor approached us and informed us of the harsh and unfair reality. He had suffered severe wounds and several sites of internal bleeding. His organs were failing, and struggling to function. They said that he has no chance of surviving. Upon hearing this, Zayn started to tear up, silently, as if he was trying to hold back.

"Natalie..." Harry mustered. "I'm sorry... if I led you on..."

"It's okay. Don't say anymore." I cried. Unlike Zayn, I couldn't hold back anymore. "It's okay." I said, but this time, as a lie to myself. It was not okay.

My entire being was filled with guilt.

Reality is sometimes disappointing. Things happen that one thinks shouldn't ever happen without any remorse from this cruel world. It breathes life as fast as it takes it away.
But we shouldn't ever hate the world for this.

All we can do is appreciate the good things inbetween.

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