Beat it with a Stick Again

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The next day, after coming home from playing in the pond, I found another horse in our yard. Not wanting to cause problems, I didn't try to pet this one. I simply walked around it. But the stupid thing followed me and bit me in the butt.

I beat the horse with a stick and dumped it in the river. I noticed the other horse was still there.

"You killed my horse," King William exclaimed. "You little bastard!"

He tackled me, sending us both rolling into the river and on top of both horse's bodies. It smelled of rotting flesh and blood.

"Get off!"

"Not until you explain why you killed another horse of mine," William demanded.

"It bit me."

"That was your excuse last time. And I'll tell you what I told you then; he wouldn't have done it unless you provoked him."

"I walked around it and it still bit me in the ass!"

The king started laughing. He was on top of me and I could feel his chest vibrating.

"You deserved it, you little bastard," King William said, smiling as if genuinely happy for my pain.

"Why were you in my house?" I asked suddenly. I didn't even bother to wonder that the day before.

The king suddenly looked uneasy.

"Um..." he trailed off. Glancing at me, he jumped up and ran away. I had no hope of catching him, so I didn't even try. Instead, I made my way to the house. Mother was standing in the open doorway.

"Is everything alright, dear?" she asked.


Once I was in my room, I went to sleep while thinking one thought over and over again; I just killed another one of the King's horses.

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