Project: Moon Pulse

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Luna, trapped by gravity, only heard the rush of wind as she fell down the void. Moonlight surrounded her. The bombs that sizzled with yellow lightning hung uselessly from her belt.

What's the point? I can't grab them anyways. This body never listens to me.

Blood overtook her scent. The image of Her body flashed across her eyes.

Tired. So tired...

Her scars glowed silver, the pain immense. She held her breath.

Will I be free? Can death set me free from this prison?

She smashed into the silvery pool below.

Snap! All her bones broke like simple twigs. Bone broke through her neck, marking her caramel skin with red. Her limp body floated on the surface, the blood marking the liquid metal. Soon, the metal swallowed up the body, claiming its latest volunteer.

Yet, the energy still glowed, a light in the depths.




I should be dead.

"What use is a girl who can't walk straight?"

"You can't even hold a pencil? What a joke!"

"What a disappointment."

Why aren't I dead yet?

These words echoed within Luna's head as her mind was trying to keep up with what was happening. Something was keeping her alive, but what?

Trapped in the silver pool, whatever laid in the liquid metal started to rush into her body. It was both alive, yet artificial. It traveled through her blood stream and turned everything to metal. She felt naked as the metal ripped apart her clothes, exposing her entire body.

Her heart became a nuclear core with circuits and tubes replacing blood vessels.

Her bones fused back together, snapping back into place as they became titanium.

Her skin rippled as it got cold and heavy.

The brain was converted into a large metallic block, with circuits and memory chips.

"Are you okay Ms. Evert?" Another voice entered the picture, one that felt stern but comforting.


"Are you okay Ms. Evert?" it repeated.

She wanted to respond, but was stopped as her head snapped back into place. Her mouth opened to scream, but instead, she vomited blood and meat, deemed no longer useful by whatever was changing her. At the same time, her throat closed itself, for she began to have no need to breath. Even if she could scream, she would've heard her voice becoming digitized.


She started to grab her body in pain, feeling the cold touch of metal on parts that were still flesh. Her fingers tried to pull the metal off, but the finger tips simply slipped off the metal.

It hurt.

Let me die.

It hurt some more.

Just let me die!

It will continue to hurt until the end.


Project: Moon Pulse (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now