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💫More than darkness
I fear my future

I can't see anything clear
Everywhere it's just dust

It's just laughter that I hear
It's just pain that I feel

I fear for my life
I fear for my future

I fear for my dearest
That I might leave early

My existence seems to be useless
My smile seems to be burden

My weight equals my worthlessness
My body equals my ugliness

Words begging to come out
Fears begging to be told aloud

Cries going silent
In this darkness of night

Hope leaving my life
With the passing day I fight

Words strangled in my throat
Sentences seem to lose their worth

Searching for the light
I'm searching for that one

From whom I can't hide my scars
Yet hide the pain from em 💫



The fajgsksjabsb I'm sorry this is terrible but yeah----

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