A little more than Fondue

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Third Person POV

It had been five years since Captain Steve Rogers fell into the ice, where he did so was still an unsolved mystery. For the first two years after the crash, Peggy and Howard poured all of there resources and time into finding their lost comrade.  Howard used his genius and large sums of money to invest in machinery and workers to scour the arctic. Peggy, on the other hand, used her keen eye and cunning tongue to track down as many verbal clues from people. Such as if anyone had seen something crashing down in the sky on that fateful night.

As time went on, their motivation lessened; as they began to slowly but surely move on with there lives. Howard began to reign in his budget for the search and started applying it to more company-based projects. Peggy began sending more agents into the field, even taking up some assignments herself.  Howard even had a girlfriend for a short period of time, but he broke up with her after a few months, deciding that she wasn't for him. Her name was Maria.

With Peggy being 'the Agent Carter', director of SHIELD; she had been in many dangerous situations during her career. At one point, the remnants of Hydra tracked her down and put her apartment under surveillance. They were probably after her limited knowledge of the Super Soldier Serum. This resulted in an attempt on her life, and an almost successful one at that. Howard offered to let Agent Carter hideout at his Mansion, an offer that she gladly accepted.

During this difficult time, not only did they move farther from the fallen soldier, but they moved closer to each other.

Their informational meetings slowly turned into a movie night. Around the three year anniversary of Steve's disappearance, Howard finally asked Peggy out on an actual date.  After little contemplation of the matter, she gladly accepted. 

An occasional get-together gradually became something more. The monthly movie night became a weekly date night. 

Another year passed, and Peggy had finally accepted Howard's request to move into his luxurious home for good. 

Things were never quite the same but in a good way. The Steve shaped hole in both of there hearts became less burdening. He wasn't being replaced, he never would be, but it became a little easier to move on.  All in all, they created something new together, something to treasure and heal their obstinate past.

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