Chasen x Mineta x Gun x Knife?!

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After Mineta came inside Chasen's booty, Mineta pulled his gun out again. 

"If you beg enough I won't thoot you." Mineta said smirking. 

"Shut the fuck up, you grape head looking ass." Chasen screeched, flipping Mineta off.

"Ooh thit it flipped me off." Mineta screeched back shooting Chasen in the eyeball.

Mineta pulled out a knife and sliced Chasen's tummy open. He pulled out all the organs and started to feat on them. "Mmm, I haven't had a meal thith good thinthe I ate Tthuyu." Mineta muttered chowing down. He then carved open Chasen's chest, pulling the heart and lungs out. "Thith ith thuch a nice meal." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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