Chapter Four - Hello Kitty Band-aid

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Okay yeah, so this chapter is a week late and short but it's here now. Big things planned for the next couple of chapters so be on the look out for the next update since I don't do so well sticking to schedules. This also hasn't been edited.


Scorpio climbed into the helicopter, surprised to find their were no seats, just an empty compartment which she would be spending the next three hours in along with her fellow mission operatives.

Of course, after the red haired saw this she immediately went and sat in the far corner to put as much distance between herself and the other two criminals. Flintlock watched her do this than sat less than a foot away from her. Mosquito was a little smarter than that and decided to sit in the opposite corner to her's.

Scorpio glared at the man as he smiled brightly at her and opened up the manila file she was given.

"Woah, woah, woah," Flintlock said, grabbing onto the file. "We have three hours to read, why not use some of that time to get to know each other?"

"And why would I do that?" Scorpio asked yanking the file out of his hold.

"Because I'm gonna talk regardless of what you say or do so why not talk with me?" He asked.

"I could stab you." She said simply.

"Oh that won't stop me," He replied, "So how was your day!"

Scorpio only glared at the smiling man before she went back to trying to read the file in her hands.

"Oh good? That's good, I had a great day. For breakfast I had a slice of apple pie covered in syrup and it was delicious. What'd you have for breakfast?" He asked.

She glanced up at him, looking more bored than anything, then back down.

"Come on! At least tell me what you ate for breakfast," Flintlock throw his hands up in frustration as Scorpio merely glanced up at him.

"...what about lunch?" Flintlock pouted.

She stayed silent.

"Pwease..?" He begged.

"I didn't have lunch." Scorpio finally responded.

"What!" Flintlock roared. "Why wouldn't you eat lunch?! That's like one of the three best meals of the day!"

"I was going to get lunch, then Wren called." She explained.

Flintlock's mouth fell open, "Wren called at four thirty! Lunch should always be eaten in the time period between twelve thirty and one thirty, unless you ate breakfast late, then it's expectable to eat it later but still! four thirty?!"

"Why does it matter at what time I eat my meals at?" Scorpio asked, voice uncaring.

"There is a law! An unspoken law of when you should and should not eat and you have broken it! You broke the law Scorpio! It's dead, it's in millions of tiny pieces and you broke it!" Flintlock was hysterical.

"Hey Scorpio, you ride a motorcycle, that's nice." Mosquito tried to change the subject.

"Yes, does it matter in any way?" She asked, scooting a little further away from Flintlock.

"Not really. I just think it's something to talk about, you know." he replied.

"How." It wasn't a question.

"Well what kind is it. Standard?" He asked.

"No. Dual-sport." She answered.

"Oh, nice. It's a Superbike, right?" He asked again.

Entry Point (old, check out the rewrite!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang