Part One: July 1st

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~ The following stories are mature for graphic sexual themes. Please read with caution. ~

(Aleah's POV)

The clanging of bells overhead signaled the beginning of the ceremony, but for many, it meant the end.

I clutched my older brother's hand tightly, wishing the day would be over. His large hand engulfing mine seemed to drive out the cold and reassured me.

I was going to make it through this. I was going to make it. I was going to...

My inner chant trailed off as we entered town center and took in the sight of the menacing train that would devastate four families. Massive gray buildings surrounded us like cattle, making me feel even more trapped. Almost every one of our village had already gathered to wait in orderly rows. It was time for us to split ways, as boys and girls were lined up separately.

Alec gave my hand another firm squeeze. "You'll be okay, Aleah," he whispered, "There's only two girls chosen and hundreds here. I'll see you after the ceremony." And with a small kiss to the crown of my head, he was gone, swallowed up into the mass of awaiting young men.

I nervously fidgeted with my hands as a girl who I had known since childhood sidled up beside me. She seemed just as nervous as I. She started in a hushed voice, "I wanted to wish you good luck-"

The sharp tapping on a mic broke off her sentiment. "Good morning, everyone," our mayor greeted cheerfully. No one greeted her back. Clearing her throat, the mayor continued, "As you all know, the date is July 1st. Today, to keep the bloodthirsty Maeste demons at bay, we offer four young adults between the ages of 16 and 21 to be sacrificed. Two boys and two girls are to be chosen." That was why she was so happy, her youngest had just turned 22 and was safe from the choosing. "These lucky few are then sent to Iono, where the demons reside."

Nobody knew what happened to them from there. They were never heard from again, and everyone assumed they were slaughtered and eaten like sacrificial goats.

"Let's get on with the choosing, shall we?" the mayor walked over to the two metal basins that held our fates in the form of our names. As always, the girls were chosen first. She plucked a name from the pile and began to read.

"Aleah Roche."

My blood ran cold as my heart stopped. Never before had my own name struck so much fear in me. Everything stilled, leaving only the blood rushing in my ears as comfort. 'I was chosen. I managed to sneak into my hazed brain. I... was going to die.

I was ushered onto the stage as I tried to keep the terrified tears at by. My friends and family stared back at me with pitied looks in their eyes. But I didn't want that pity, I just wanted my quickly diminishing life again.

I scarcely heard the next girl be called up beside me. I didn't know her, didn't want to, but she looked exactly how I felt. Mortified.

"Now," our mayor said, "Onto the gentlemen." I prayed that at least my brother would be safe as her hand dipped into the bowl. "Jacob Foerster," she called. One down, one to go. Breath held I watched in fear.

She unfolded the slice of paper and read aloud, "Alec Roche."

My sliver of hope crumbled, crushed under the weight of reality. My brother was sentenced to death right along with me. Vaguely, I heard my mother's harsh cry from the audience as she realized that she wouldn't be loosing just one but both of her children.

"To protect the whole, their fates are sealed. May they have a quick and painless end." the mayor finished solemnly. Then we were forced back onto the awaiting train, all the while we tried to catch one last glimpse of our families.

Alec's comforting arms wrapped around me on the other side. He whispered, "I wish it were only me on this train."

"Don't we all," snapped the other boy, Jacob. "Boohoo," he continued when no one moved, "We're all going to die. Might as well shut up and enjoy the ride." I could tell Alec wanted to say something, and I did too, but he was right. We were doomed. The four of us sank into a depressed silence as we let the ride pass by quietly.

The slight screeched of the brakes could be heard as the train rolled to a stop in a brightly lit station. It was not at all what I had been expecting. We were escorted into a small room that appeared to be... showers?

"Strip and wash," were the only commands thrown our way. I heard a faint click as the door locked behind us. Is this where we died?

In fear, the four of us washed in our continued silence.

When we had finished, I was shoved naked into a room of mirrors. On all sides, my naked body reflected back at me from different angles. A single chair was positioned in the center of the room.

"Masturbaté." the man ordered.

"Huh?" was my shocked reply.

"Fúck yourself," he clarified while throwing a long purple dildó at me. I didn't catch it in time as it smacked my breasts painfully and thudded against the floor.

"But-" I shuddered, "I'm a virgin."

No sympathy lined his face, "Then use this." A small, oddly shaped wand headed my way. A vibratór. "You have ten minutes." He said before closing the door behind him.

I took the vibratór with me and sat in the chair, thinking about what to do. Did I just do what the man commanded?

Seeing as I would probably be dead soon, I decided I might as well enjoy myself one last time.

I watched myself in the mirror as I began to slowly toy with my stiff nipples, feeling my pússy start to pulse at how erotic it was. Spreading my legs, I continued to watch as my lower lips reddened, and moisture began to gather there. My left hand slid down my soft belly and parted my lips so I could get a better look.

Licking my lips, I reached for the wand. I clicked it on before hovering it over my sensitive nipples. A soft whimpered moan escaped my lips as the fingers of my free hand circled around my clít. The same two fingers dove into my pússy and began to stretch and prepare me for the toy.

As soon as the vibratór touched my sensitive bundle, my back arched, forcing a gasp at how good it felt. I had never used one before. We had always been too poor, but now I realized how much I had missed out.

I dipped a third finger in as I continued my thrusting, all the while moans fell uncontrollably from my mouth. With the toy positioned at my clít, it was too much. My body quickly tensed at the start of an orgasm.

Spasms overtook me as I came around my fingers, my mouth open in a silent scream.

When I came down from my high, I saw that the mirrors had cleared and that dozens of people sat on the other side. I had been watched like entertainment.


Hope you enjoyed ~

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