Chapter Two

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Bushrah's POV

Bushrah sat in her mud thatched room crying when she heard salam frm d door she answered ad d person walked in peacefully.How u doing ???
Ya Ishaq ask in a very cool way fine I could manage to say he drag me ad put me on his lap pet me ad I slept he placed me down ad went out of the room at my age Umma allow to sleep alone on empty room in d entrance of the house sometimes Ya modibbo do sneak to sleep with me or Ya Ishaq will come ad tell me folk tell DAT will make me sleep at my age of 5 I do any house chores a 15 year teenager could do I sweep d rooms,q, d toilet, fetch water from d stream,get fire wood in d near by farm while ya dibo (modibboh) rear d cattle's sweep d compound ad farm.
I was never oppurtune to get new clothes only during d Eid festival Ya dibo and Abba are not always around to help me ya Ishaq was my only saviour I could work all day without having anything to eat Ya Ishaq could share his meal give me half of it
I was never oppurtune to learn how to speak fulani or even having friends all could do is to work all day d only person DAT loves me apart from my mother is Ya dibo then Abba ad ya Ishaq always by my said to support me I was in primary 1 while Hulaira was in primary 3 we attended d same school Abba wanted all his children to go to school but Adda Rabi was never interested.Me,ishaq,Hulaira ad ya dibo are d only one going to school. I wake up by 4 take my bath clean d house fetch water ad fire wood Adda Rabbi will cook break fast serve every one except Me ad.Ya dibo after dey finish eating i will wash all d plate before going to school ongoing to school hulaira told my class teacher I was busy sleeping at home my class teacher couldn't allow me explain I received d beating of my life I cried all day at school...


Am still wat ur view abt it who is ur favorite character

ad who is ur worst character

Mine is Bushrah ad ur





much love💞💖😘😘

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