Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

While I'm spending time with family, Hernan is busy making things right. Walking into Harlem's Paradise, he walks into Cottonmouth's office. "We need to talk." Hernan says. Cornell looks up at him and motions to the chair across the desk from him. "What can I do for you?" he asks. "Mariah. You need to reign your cousin in." Hernan says. "And why would I do that?" Cornell asks. "Because if she doesn't back off, some things might come to light that might hinder her reelection." Hernan says. "Why does she need reigning in?" Cornell asks. "The reason she wanted Sophia fired is because she's with me. Had her evicted from her apartment too." Hernan says. "That's unfortunate. I can tell her to back off but that's all I can do." Cornell says. Hernan stands to leave and says "If she messes with Sophia again, it's war." Cornell nods and says "Noted."

The next day, Hernan is sitting in his office when his phone rings. "Hey baby." he says. "Hey." I say. "How's your trip going?" he asks. "Good. Saw some family I haven't seen in a long time. Talk to my cousin some more and got some insight from my Aunt. I'm feeling better about things." I tell him. "Good. When are you wanting to come home?" he asks. "I thought I'd leave out tomorrow. Flight leaves at seven in the morning. Is that okay?" I ask. "That's perfect baby. Just text me the flight details and I'll make sure I'm there to pick you up." he says. "Okay. I miss you but I meant what I said. When I get home, we'll be perfect. But I have a few things to talk to you about when I get home." I tell him. "Okay." he says. "I promise it's good." I tell him to ease his mind. "Well, I better head to bed. Gotta get up early if I'm going to make my flight." I tell him. "Yeah. Can't have you missing that. I'll see you tomorrow baby." he says. "Tomorrow. I do miss you." I tell him. "I miss you too baby. More than you know." he says before we end the call.

The next day, I walk off the plane and head to baggage to get my bag. Once I get my bag, I look around and see him. I smile softly as he sees me and walks over to me. Picking me up, he hugs me tight before kissing me softly. "God I missed you." he says. "I missed you too. I really did." I tell him. Quinton grabs my bag and we head to the car. Once inside, Hernan laces his fingers with mine and I lay my head on his shoulder. "You look better Miss Sophia." Quinton says. "Thank you. I feel a lot better." I tell him. I look up at Hernan and he kisses me softly again. I missed him so much. Once we walk into the house, Hernan dismisses Quinton before picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed, he kisses me softly before deepening the kiss. We shed clothes in between kisses and he enters me slowly. Making love to me nice and slow and once we both reach our release, together, he looks into my eyes and says "I love you Sophia." I smile wide and say "I love you too Hernan."

After we finally redress, we head to the kitchen to eat and the housekeeper had prepared us dinner. "Now, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asks. "I think I know a way to get Mariah to back off." I tell him. "I'm listening." he says. "I was talking to my cousin and aunt and they made a comment asking what was the most important thing to her. That if she can mess with the most important thing to me, why can't I do the same?" I ask. "What's the most important thing to you?" he asks. "You." I say simply. He smiles before kissing me softly and says "I feel the same way about you. So, what did you come up with?" He asks. "Her career. She loves her cousin but I promise that if it means her losing her career, she'll turn on her cousin without blinking an eye." I tell him. "What do you suggest?" he asks. "You told me that you took over Diamondback's business right?" I ask and he nods. "What if, we offered Cornell the financial backing that he needs to become a more prominent player than he already is? You said that he gets most of his money for his business dealings from Mariah but she has to dip into the budget and work things around and then it's only for certain amounts. What if we offered him more funds at a faster rate that she can?" I ask. "Then he turns his back on her, she flips out because she loses that control." he says catching on to what I'm getting at. "Then if it were to slip that she's been laundering money..." I say and he cuts me off. "But here's where it gets tricky. What if you let her think you had a change of heart and want to be with her?" I ask. "No." he says. "Hear me out." I say and he nods. "Let her think that. Tell her that I moved back home and I'll go into hiding. Get on her side. She doesn't know that you are Diamondback. Just that you work for him. Tell Cornell to keep it under wraps where he gets his money from, he'll do that. Once you have her on your side, get her to sign papers making you part owner of HP telling her that you and her will rule Harlem together." I tell him. "Then take Cornell out and her too and then HP becomes ours." he says. "Yeah." I say. "That's brilliant." he tells me. "But you know she's going to want me to prove I'm with her." he says. "I know. No sex but just show a little affection. Even in public." I tell him. "Are you sure? We can find another way." he tells me. "I'm sure." I tell him. "Well, let's spend some time together before we have to put you in hiding." he says before kissing me softly. "I love you. You know that right?" He asks. "I know. I love you too." I tell him.

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