Morning of an end

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Rays from the morning sun blazed through the window, ending my peaceful sleep of another night. Returning from the blissful world of dream, I stretched a little, still under the shits, and thought over the monotonous day that is about to begin. Wake up, breakfast, running, school, lunch, training, meal, evening shift at a nearby nursing center, dinner, sleep and repeat. Same boring routine every day. It has been the same for the past 2 years.

Now that I think about it, It's been two whole years since that day, two years since I met her, two years since I became one, learned about them, joined them. 

Werewolves. Not fiction like superman but reality. They live among us, work among us, yet we can't see them, don't know of their existence. They are like you and me, normal human. Just the fact that they can transform into a FREAKING wolf bigger than a normal human is the catch. Also, they have sharper senses of hearing, smelling. They can see in the dark, walk silently over a field of dried leaves, heal faster than any normal animal. Nothing more. At least that's what I got at the first introductory lecture.

Oh oh, and sex is out of this world if it's with your mate. Yeah, if you are a were of any kind, you are destined with someone who's perfect for you, was born just for you. It sounds too cheesy, I know. But trust me, it's true. S/he will be everything you ever needed in a mate. Everything of your mate will be loved by you, every little thing. Little things like shaking her back unconsciously while she walks, how she clings to you while talking gets me hooked to her.

Ahem. Control yourself, Alexander.  Why are you such a love-sick puppy? 

Well, everyone else is, why not me? Besides, Zoe is so beautiful that I can't but be all lovey-dovey.

The door to my room banged open and in came a young soldier covered with blood. "It's an emergency," he panted.

I wanted to roll my eyes and say something like 'Way to ruin another perfect morning". But what came out is "What is it?" 

"Some rouges were chasing a middle-aged lady. We took care of the rouges but the lady is in bad condition," he replied.

That hit me as odd. Why would the guard let random women enter even if she was chased by the rouges? And why are they calling me, the pack's temporary doctor, to help her? 

"Is the alpha informed?"  I inquired.

"He ordered to fetch you," he replied.

Again. All the alpha has to do is to call for me through the pack-link. I agree that I am a newbie here, but isn't that what happens in times like these? Wouldn't that be faster than sending a battle-worn wolf?

Confused with all the questions, I set out to follow my fetcher. I had put on a T, hadn't change the boxer I was sleeping in and had my medical kit with me while I left my room.


(several minutes later)

Walking in the front was a young wolf. Covered in blood from a battle. Though no physical scars can be seen, he was definitely wounded badly. I can say it by looking at the way he is walking. Even with faster healing ability of the were, the wound was too deep to heal. Because wound starts to heal from the inside. If he were to heal properly, there wouldn't be any problem with walking. Maybe Mila, the pack healer, was there to stop the bleeding. Then again, if she was there on the spot, what was the need to call me? Furthermore, if that lazy-ass Mila had woken up earlier not to mention reached the spot and healed a few, why am I not informed? We're neighbors after all. Do they consider me that lowly? If so then why call me now?

Wait a minute. I have seen almost all of the soldiers and I don't remember him. Also he doesn't smell like pack. Shit, why didn't I noticed earlier? This boy played me well. But it was too late, I don't have a clue where I am and if I am inside pack border or not. Out of instinct, I gave a 360 rotation to scan my surrounding. When I looked back again, the boy was nowhere to be seen.

I tried to smell him or the blood on his body, but neither could be found. I retraced back my own smell but after some distance it vanished as well. What on earth is happening?  

The fact that I am not a full werewolf was also adding to the problem. Which means I can't run or shift fully like a normal were, can't muster their superhuman strength, can't heal like them and so can't climb a tree like them. If I couldn't find a way back fast, I might get killed by a rouge. Or worse I might end up as a trophy at a rookie hunter's shelf( I 'm not much of a fight or run, if you could tell).

Having no other way, I started walking on a way that I thought would lead me back to the pack house. I could be getting further away from the pack with each step instead of closing in. But that's better than doing nothing.


A/N: *~~~~~~~~~~~* == these line means some time gap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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