Family History

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Avangaline laine morrison. She was only 14 when her whole life changed. She had a good family. Sister to Caitlin and cousin to a baby Allison. Her family on her mother's side was a group of hunting nuts. When her parents got married her mother left the family business and lived a happy life raising two beautiful daughters. When Avangaline was twelve she was in a car crash that severed her spine putting her in a medical coma that nearly killed her. What people didn't know was that while she was in her coma she was stuck in purgatory, she made a deal with the devil. The deal stated that Avangaline would be returned back to full health and never be pushed that close to death again if she agreed to become a hell hound when summoned and on full moons. Of course only being a child she was so excited and took the deal. That night she awoke on her own from the coma miraculously fully healed. No one under stood how it was possible except for avangaline. She continued her next two years only shifting on full moons, going to the underworld and training. Avangalines life was normal besides that she went to high school, got good grades, was in music and was a writer for the school's news paper. Her life was normal until she met derek hale.

Derek Lee Hale. Beacon hills werewolf and son to the biggest wolf in the state. He had two sisters a playful mother. His uncle was his best friend his father was his idol. Derek was the one everyone knew and was the all star athlete. Anyone who was anyone wanted Derek. Although Derek's social life was impeccable, he had an odd family life. His mother was the alpha all wolves looked up too. She led all the packs with her wisdom. His whole family was filled with werewolves, from the toughest alphas to the newest betas and even some lonely omegas. And Derek was a new beta besides his younger sister cora. Derek's first love was with Paige, a simple girl who was one of the celloists in the schools orchestra . She would always concentrate on her music unless she was with Derek. Paige knew of Dereks ability but he didn't know she knew until it was too late. Derek had listened to Peter, his uncles words and got one of the other pack alphas to turn her . Unfortunately her body rejected the bite and derek had no choice but to end her pain and took her life. Then on derek was never the same with love again. There was Kate and then Avangaline . It was weird that derek dated two girls from the same family blood line but it didn't bother them.

High school after Paiges death is where their story begins.

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