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The next day....


I suddenly woke up when i heard loud voices..

Tsk who the hell dares to destroy my precious beauty sleep?!


I got up and saw Maxine chasing Katty who was holding a can of Pringles...

"Make me!"

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SHOUTING?! ITS FREAKIN 7AM!" i shouted and stand up..

"Crystal! Stop shouting we're sleeping!" Alexa shouted

"And why are you shouting at me?!"

"Because you we're shouting!!"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" we all covered our ears when Alexander suddenly shout..oh my freakin god..he's doing that annoying thing again! My ears are gonna bleed! "STOB IT! STOB IT! S! T! O! P! I! T!"

"Guys its 7am stop shouting please? Especially you Xander..that was loud af! Tsk" Clyde angrily said and threw a pillow at Xander

"It was Alexa!" He pointed Alexa

"It was Crys!" She said pointing at me-- Eh?! Why me?!

"What?! Its was Maxine!"

"The hell?! Katty started it!"

"Y'all!! Stop! You're so childish! Stop it! Katty! Give back the pringles!" Matthew ordered which Katty obeyed..

"Freakin hell!?!! You ate half of it?! Bish you better pay me! You owe me two cans!"-Maxine

"Yes ma'am!"

"You guys good now? You woke us all up! Tsk just for a freakin pringles!"-Alexa "well i ain't sleepy anymore" she said and stand up..

"Wait..i just realized" we all looked at Ashly who suddenly talked "why are you two already up at 7am? Usually you guys wake up at 9 or 8..sometimes 10" oh right..yeah..why are they up so early?

"I don't actually know..i just woke up and i saw jake was gone" Katty said pointing at the floor where Jake slept "and i didn't got sleepy after that so i decided to eat Pringles"

"My pringles!"-Maxine

"Eh? Then where's Jake?" I asked

"Maybe he's just outside..you guys know jake..when he can't sleep or something..he always go outside.." Yeah..Jaidens right..maybe he's just outside


"Hey Tristan..have you seen our friend Jake?" I asked the butler who was walking near us..

"Sorry miss but no" he answered...i thanked him and he excused himself..

Where the hell are you jake?!

"Maybe he's already at the dinning table?" Said Zach..

Yeah maybe he is..

We walked straight to the dinning table since we're gonna eat breakfast now and Jake might probably be there by now...

Once we got there...no Jake seating on a chair? Only Chelsea, her dolls..and her parents..

"Oh good morning dears..have a seat" the woman said and smiled.. We sat on the chairs and looked at the whole kitchen "what is it?"

"Uhm..have you guys seen our friend Jake?" I asked..

And again.. They just smiled.. Except for Chelsea of course

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