Chapter 7: I fell in love with your cuteness

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Weeks went by and I got the hang out of everything.

The past tournaments were exhausting, but a little bit interesting.

I shot my friends a few times, but it was fine.

Actually, we kind of made our own games.

For example, when I down Lifeline, she lost to me and I have one wish open.

Most of the time I would go for Mirage since he was always aiming for me.

A few times, he won and I would own him some pork chops.

My wish would also be a treat for dinner.

It would always be the first idea, that would come up in my mind.

Not to forget, in the last few weeks, Octane and I got surprisingly closer.

He also would accompany me and Bangalore.

Almost every day for lunch, we would eat at the cafeteria and hang out with our friends.

Three squads in a table?

Sounds fun!

Gibraltar once suggested that we shouldn't always eat there.

So three times a week, one squad will cook in their apartment and the others are invited to eat along.

We all got really close like we are inseparable.

So inseparable, there was a time, during the tournament we, all three squads, got together and fought against the others.

In the end, my squad against everyone and we won.

I remember Mirage wanted mercy, for not killing him and I just shot him with my peacekeeper.

Then Wraith came over to avenge him and I just shot her with the same weapon in the face for a few times, till she was down.

Octane was behind me, saw the whole scene and he just burst out laughing.

After the game, we all decided to see the replay and everyone think my fight was funny.

Mirage and Wraith laughed too.

I am really glad, that I am comfortable with Octane.

My shyness disappeared, but it took a while.

Octane is really kind, caring and sometimes annoying, but in a good way.

For example, during the tournament, when he finds a phoenix kit, he would give it to me or he would always ask if I need ammo or battery cells.

Poor Bangalore though, I bet she feels like the third wheel and I feel awful for her.

Sometimes, when I have enough, I would ask Bangalore if she also needs something.

Outside the tournament, Octane would knock on my bedroom door and check on me.

He would ask, if I wanted to eat with him, wanted to watch a movie or go to the training centre.

We always hang out together and it feels like Bangalore is left behind.

One day, I asked her if she wanted to join or activities since I feel bad for her, but she always declined.

She wanted us to be alone and she would go to the ladies and hang out with them.

It is like, I mostly spend time with Octane and it wasn't intentional.

There was a time, I was with the others (Octavio was at the training centre) and mentioned this.

Surprisingly, they were fine by that and they wanted us to be alone.

Lifeline reminded me, that he has a crush on me and when she mentioned that, everyone smiled.

Again, I forgot that he was into me and it seems like everyone wants to support it.

So now, here I am with Octane in the apartment alone, again.

Just like the usual, Bangalore is going over to the others and spend time with them.

Octane wanted to watch this one movie, that is going to be aired on TV.

Chips and popcorn on the table, few drinks next to them and a few blankets on the couch, we are prepared for it.

But before it aired, there was a documentation about Octane himself.

When he saw it, he quickly changed channels and deep inside, I actually wanted to see it.

Sure, the person is actually next to me and I can ask him anything about his background, but he doesn't want to.

Octane always shrugged it off, by saying another time.

And when I confronted him when is the „another time", he always says that „we should focus on the present and not the past" and then he would go away.

That is actually unfair, he said I can always go to him and ask him anything, literally anything, but about himself, he doesn't want to answer.

As long as he didn't say that it makes him uncomfortable, I can keep annoying him, right?

Online I can't find much, besides he lost his legs to make a record and he was apex champion a few times.

I want to get closer, understand his background and this documentary is my only chance since the TV stations don't replay and upload it online.

So I took a deep breath and tried to get the controller.

Since he was stronger and taller than me, there would be no chance by getting it.

Then, I begged him to go back to the channel.

„Either you go back and let me see the documentation or I will be asking hundreds of question till I am satisfied."

„What if I don't cooperate with you?"

„I will ignore you for the rest of my life."

With that, he pouted and I felt my heart skip a beat.

Why does he have to be so cute?

„Your cuteness won't help you further"

Then he crossed his arms and still pouts.

Another bang.

That's it, I fell in love with this brat by, him being a cutie and being so kind.

I mean, I already had a small interest in him, the day we first met actually, but now in that moment, I realized that.

Octane gave up, behaving like a baby and looked at me.

He wasn't sure what to do in this situation.

There was this awkward silence between us.

Minutes later he kept looking at me or the TV, back and forth till he surrendered and turned it off.

My teammate made himself comfortable and said: „Alright, ask me anything."

„Really? You are sure?"

„Yeah, go ahead"

From that, I jumped off the couch and did a small victory dance.

Octane laughed at my ridiculousness and I saw that he got some popcorn.

I sat next to him and immediately started with the first question.

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