Be YOU, but there's the so-called-SOCIETY.

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What the ef? "Be you."? We can't even be ourselves, then we tell the others to be theirselves. How can we be ourselves when everyone's around us judging us?! But why do we even care when they DO judge us? (Bakit ba English ako ng English?!)

When we try to be "IN" everyone says, "Hey, don't be like everyone else. Be you." Then they don't even say to us that AFTER being YOU, you will get judged by the others. THE HELL. WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT?!

Do you even know yourself? The ef naman! Pano ka nga ba magiging IKAW kung hindi mo alam! Gosh, know yourself first before letting the others know you. Sasabihin mong "Huwag niyo akong huhusgahan kung hindi niyo ako kilala." The so-called-society can't really know you if don't even know yourself! Ang shunga mo naman para sabihin yan eh hindi mo din naman kilala.

But it doesn't mean if you don't know yourself, you can be somebody else. Remember, you don't live to please others. You can't even please everyone, so why please? If you try to please them, then you only have your own problem. They may judge or complain about something, but they don't really care. Why do they need to make your problem their problem if they have their own problem? Why do they need to care about your problem if they can't take care of their problem? (Bakit nila pro-probemahin ang problema mo kung may sarili naman silang problema?)

If they don't like the real you, then it's fine! Like Coco Chanel said, "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. " Beauty comes from within. Mas importante naman siguro ang tingin mo sa sarili mo kaysa tingin ng iba diba? Mas buti ng alam mo ang totoo kaysa hindi na nga nila alam, hindi mo pa alam. Ano ng mangyayari non? Nganga?!

Everyone has their own references and standards in their life. Being yourself may not meet everyone's standard, but at least, you're not the fake one. And please, if nobody likes the "YOU", then at least like yourself.

It's just SOCIETY, they will be everywhere. Can't deal with them? Don't have to. ;)

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