chapter 3

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Carmen POV


I swear time flying i got up to the sound of my alarm i got up quickly really don't want to be late on my first day of work i walk lazily to the bathroom stripping out of my clothes  i step in the bath and turn on the hot water letting it massage all my muscles washing my hair and getting in the frame of mine for work . when i finish i got out the bath and put on my robe. i did my light makeup i don't believe in hiding your true beauty under all the makeup. i curl my hair giving it a natural then i put on a  light pink one piece suit paired it with my white heels and my white handbag dame i look good presentable who would thought . i went downstairs and grabbed a granola  bar my water and my lunch i ran downstairs and lucky me i got a cab in no time 

"Morning miss where to" he asked politely

"morning kings cooperation thank" i said looking at my phone omg i have forty minutes to reach ok calm down your not going to be late i just breath 

message to adrian: How far are you

from adrian: am at the office, is some thing wrong

to adrian: no just asking 

from adrian: did you need a ride or something ????????????????????????

to adrian: no i was just asking am not a child for crying out loud i can manage to get to work.

from adrian: Jesus woman i was just asking don't need to get all defensive.

i smile a and turn off my phone i was five minutes till i reach and i could feel my heart in my mouth i went in my purse and took out five dollars to pay the driver the car came to a stop and i came out of the car and look up at the building dame that look like 20 story even his building look sexy dame him

i smile a and turn off my phone i was five minutes till i reach and i could feel my heart in my mouth i went in my purse and took out five dollars to pay the driver the car came to a stop and i came out of the car and look up at the building dame ...

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i walk straight up to his to his office which was on the the top floor my lord this company is beautiful knock knock

"come in " he said 

the door automatically open dame can this place get any fancier his office was beautiful and modern  he has a big desk where he is sitting behind he has a meeting table omg getting fuck on that thing shit i really need to stop he had a sitting area my god dame the stuff we could do in this office nope stop the man is getting married in the next three weeks  

" good morning carmon your here early" he said giving that panty dropping smirk 

"good morning Mr king thought i would be here early to start my first day what can i say am excited to be working with my bestfriend, is that a problem" i said giving him a big ass smile

" Mr king so we are doing formailtes?" he asked playfully 

he got up and gave me a big hug i secretly sniff him i could definitely get use to this we pull apart and smiled at each other 

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