The Gang Leader

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First Quote:
"If I must die, I will encounter darkness as a bride, And hug it in my arms."

Camilla Rose Wilson





December 19


Eye Color:
Bluish Grey

Hair Color:
Naturally Blonde but dyed purple and pink

A couple scars from knives, the only significant one is the one of the back of her left shoulder that she got when she got shot.



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Second Quote:"People will stab you in the back then ask why you're bleeding

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Second Quote:
"People will stab you in the back then ask why you're bleeding..."

Camilla tends to be a pretty cold hearted to most people. She pretty much looks out for herself before anyone else. She's a very emotionally guarded person, and she trusts almost no one. She's paranoid, almost always thinking someone is out to get her, with good reason to. Even though she's guarded she is very emotional, she very rarely shows it though.

Camilla runs nearly every morning and she loves it, in fact she's a very active person who enjoys sports. She loves to listen to music or audio books, however you won't catch her with a actual book in her hands. She pretty much lives off of iced coffee, although she does like water as well. She absolutely adores animals, reptiles, arachnids, etc. Really any type of creature to be honest.

Camilla hates liars. She can't stand them. She has a very strong dislike for spies in her organization (Will go into more detail). Camilla hates seafood, it doesn't matter what kind it is, she absolute refuses to eat it. That being said, she hates living fish or anything similar, it's the one creature she can't stand.

Kind or Arrogant:
Most of the time Camilla is arrogant, although on very few occasions she is a very kind hearted person.

Logical or Emotional:
Around people Camilla is logical most of the time, however when she is alone she tends to let her emotions get the best of her.

Daredevil or Cautious:
She's a daredevil, simple as that. She loves adrenaline so she often does risky things just to get an adrenaline rush.

Merciless or Merciful:
It depends on who it is really. There's people who Camilla wouldn't think twice about letting die or killing them. Then there's people Camilla wouldn't let a thing happen to them.

Third Quote:
"Damaged people are dangerous, they know how to survive"

Love Interest:
None at the current moment, may change depending on the roleplay.

Camilla had a decent life up until she turned 16, her father left her mother for another woman which caused her mother to hate her because she was so much like her father. Cami left home after that, ended up joining a gang and later became the leader of it. After taking leadership of the gang she got more reckless and careless. She's very strict with the gang members so they all listen to her pretty well and no one really wants to challenge her anyways. The police have been trying to get proof of her criminal activity for years but so far they haven't succeeded.


You had been working as an undercover cop in Camilla's gang for a few months now. Gaining her trust little by little you had managed to work your way up to her right hand and she didn't suspect a thing.
You were on the phone one night with your boss, giving him details on the next drug deal when you heard someone behind you. Turning around you saw Camilla looking at you with narrow eyes, "And what exactly are you doing?" she asked coldly.

What do you do?

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