To Be Opened On The Day You Buy It

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Hello reader.

If you are holding this book in your hands right now, consider yourself very lucky. Out of over the seven billion people inhabiting this planet, you are the one. The one and only person who has the privilege to read this book. The one and only person who has the task to discover whom this book is about. The one and only person who has the power to save them.

However, there are a few ground rules before we begin. These rules are simple and straightforward, yet they must never, ever be broken. If they are, even in the slightest, the consequences will be unimaginable. 

Here are the three rules:

1) Do not share this book with anyone. Repeat, anyone. Not even your spouse, family or closest friends. 

2) Do not open any of the sections before their designated date and times. You must never go ahead. 

3) Read it until the very end. You must finish the book in its entirety.

Once again, these three rules must never be broken. You may go about your life exactly the same, but they must always be in the back of your mind with every action that you take.

Good luck.

And as Plato once famously said,

"The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile."


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