Chapter 5

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Kate slept later than she had in quite a while, exhausted by the previous days' events. She opened her eyes at 9:45 and stretched. She had her leg elevated on a large pillow and was surprised that it was still perched on top. She sat up in bed, resting against the pillows. The sun was shining and it looked like a nice day for late November. She picked up her phone and sent off a text, just like she promised.

'Good morning! I hope your golf game is going well! x'

She set her phone down and hobbled into the bathroom, not knowing how long it would be before he could answer.


Ted was on the 10th hole with Dave and was having a great day.

"So are you going to tell me what or who is making you this happy? I mean you look like you are drinking or something with that grin on your face. So spill Asshole!"

Ted smirked, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Bullshit! You are grinning like an idiot!"

"Let me ask you something Dave...How young is too young for someone our age to date?"

Dave stopped and looked at his friend, "What do you mean? Have you really met someone younger?"

Ted nodded his head and swung his club and hit the ball to the 11th hole, "She is incredible, but she is younger and I just wanted your opinion on if it is weird or inappropriate before I get in any deeper."

Dave was thrown for a loop and told his best friend so, "I'm really kind of speechless right now. You are a good looking man, a player really and can have any number of younger women. What is her age Ted?"

"She is 28..."

"Ok...That's not too bad. Does she have her head screwed on straight?"

"She is very successful and owns her own business. So yes she does. I mean it, do you think it would be weird, our age difference?"

"Ted, why are you so wound up? Did you just meet her? Why are you freaking out about her age? It's not like you are going to get married or anything!"

Ted looked at Dave and gave him a long even stare, "Dave, she is different. She has me spinning and I can't get enough of her!"

"Are you serious right now? You just met this woman and you are talking marriage? What if she wants kids? Do you really want to start all over again? You have two kids who are busting your balls now! I mean, I!"

"Dave I know what you are thinking, that I am losing my mind, but I'm not. She is special and I just want to be around her all the time. I promise I know what I am doing," he said and took a deep breathe before continuing, "And if she wants kids I will happily accommodate her on that. Dave, she is someone I can have something real with, not all the one night stands and flings that I have had over the last few years. She is unlike anyone I have ever met."

Dave was stunned into silence by listening to his best friend. He just didn't know what to say other than, "I hope you know what you are doing. I will support you in any way I can Bro."

Ted thanked him and felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and saw the text from Kate on the screen. He broke into a huge grin and Dave rolled his eyes as he watched him.

He read it and replied, 'So glad you slept late! Golf is going well and am kicking my best friends' ass. I think you are my good luck charm! How are you feeling? x'

He put his phone away as they walked to the next hole where there balls were laying.

"I take it that was her that messaged you?"

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