To go

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I sat across from my dad and stared at him over my coffee cup. The world was settling outside as the night was setting in, but in here, I tried to put as much life and determination in my eyes as I can as I stared at my dad. He stared back equally determined, and with the word 'no' ready against anything I have to say. 

What was I asking him? If I can stay at my friend's house while he goes away on a business trip. I know; Wild stuff, right?

"Dad, we're not going to throw wild parties or anything. It's just a sleepover. Alexa's parents will be there almost the entire time."


"Dad!" I whined.

"Why do you never want to come to my business trips with me?"

I stared at him pleadingly. He was going on a business trip somewhere. I usually go with him but I've learned that isn't a good thing always. Dad is an architect at a huge firm and his trips consist of me lying by the pool, alone and hungry, while he sits in a conference room in some big plushy chairs discussing god knows what. 

"I just thought it'd be nice if I could use this time with Alexa," I said with a smile. It's not a complete lie. Alexa is one of my closest friends and I haven't seen her in months ever since she moved to a different school. Plus, telling my dad the truth would only result in him feeling guilty. He makes a face when he feels guilty that makes me feel guilty.

He looked at me suspiciously. "You already planned this, haven't you?"

"What?" I asked, my voice coming out high-pitched. I coughed and said, in a much lower tone, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What did Alexa's parents say?" he asked.

"They said they're okay with it if you're okay with it," I said quickly.



He thought about it. I could tell by the way his green eyes stared out the window. I smiled widely at him in hopes that can be considered sufficient emotional blackmail. He turned to look at me and sighed.

"Fine," he said finally. Just as I was about to cheer, he pointed a finger at me "But you need to answer the phone whenever I call. And help the family with chores."

"DEAL!" I jumped with delight. I crashed into him for a hug, then bounced right up and ran to my room. I unlocked my phone and dialled Alexa's number.

"What?" Her raspy voice finally answered.

"Sleepover approved, you dork!" I replied as I plopped on my bed.

"Wow, the universe finally let us hang out together."

"I know. Who knew that it'd take so long for our schedules and immune systems to finally synchronize?"

"I'm not the one who got sick and had to cancel. Twice."

"And I'm not the one that got grounded for sneaking out. Twice."

"Fair enough." Alexa's laugh filled the phone speaker.  "So, when are you coming?"

"My dad's leaving in 3 days. He'll drop me off before he goes."

"Got anything special you want to do?" My eyes landed on my reflection in the mirror across my bed.

"Months worth of catching up. Poolside chilling?" She suggested.

"Sounds good to me." 

But what about a change? As I considered it, a blonde lock of hair fell in my face. I examined my reflection. Blonde hair, dark green eyes; so plain. Nothing like the father that raised me and too much like the woman I've never met. 

"Hello? Are you there?" Alexa's voice snapped me back to the present and a thought occured to me.

"Hey, Alexa. Remember when I told you I wanted to add more colour into my hair?" 

The line went silent in tense anticipation. Alexa's voice came back on. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

"A little rebellion by a little makeover?" I asked. There was a loud shriek that almost deafened me coming from the other line, before Alexa became human again.

"Yes, let's do this!"

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little scared at how excited you are."

"You should beeee," she teased before hanging up on the phone for extra effect. I sighed and threw the phone on my bed. Pushing myself off, I made my way to my closet and smiled at all that might happen in that 3 weeks. All just 2 days away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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