Finding Home (chapter 1)

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Planet Nemic is all about to destroy because of  over population. The alien living here is called "anemic" they are very pale. The government of them create a task force to explore another planet to be an another home. The task force EAGLETS is responsible for this. Azirf is the head of task force EAGLETS. Rose is the most outstanding member of this task force. She is very beautiful, strong, and intelligent. She is the one who is responsible to observe and explore the planet earth. And the other members is for the other planet.

"On your feet!!....You are about to deploy now to your designated planet, observe and explore for ANEMIC'S sakes!!" azirf commanding the members of task force EAGLETS.

They are deployed in space.
As they reach each other planets there is a fear and nervous in their hearts.

And they already reach their destination. Rose landed in the virgin forest. Rose needs to imitate human faster. To hide her true personality. The military is about to come to the place where her ship landed. And she run fast and hide in the bush. She saw a girl and boy having a kiss. She was so shocked because it was her first time seeing a boy and girl doing it. She try to imitate the girl and boy doing. Because of rose curiosity she try it to the trunk of the tree. She also hear the language that uses by them and she learned it in just a few minutes. Because of advace technologies they have.
She analyze the face and body of the girl. As she imitate it she change some details in body's girl so that, she will not have a look a like.

Final analysis
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Weight: 48kg
Skin color: white, smooth
Hair: short hair
Lips: pinkish
*Imitation complete*

She is so pretty in her looks.
For sure no boy will not fall in love with her.

She look for a shelter for her. She traveled around the town from the forest just by walking. And the daylight ends and she is very tired.  Suddenly Rose collapsed in front the house of Aragon family.

"Arfff!..Arfff!... Arfff!...." Dog barking

Jinky came out to their house to look what the dogs barking for. And she saw a beautiful girl laying in front of their gate. She call her parents and they carry Rose in the room.

After a few moments Rose feels relief.
"Where am I!?" Rose asking and she slowly stares around

"You are at my home" Reyzor replied, (Reyzor is the father of Jinky and Dhoming, wife of Eveyoung)

"Dad!? Why we need to keep her to our family!? doesn't she have her own family?" Dhoming said with high voice.

"Doesn't you like her? She is pretty enough, her lips is so pinkish I think im inlove with her MY gAsHhhHhH!!" Jinky said.

"What is your name pretty girl?" Eveyoung said (wife of Reyzor, mother of Jinky and Dhoming)


*Rose should not say her true name so they can't identify her*

*Rose saw chan chin sue in the top of divider*

" thats it chan chin sue" Rose replied

"Owww such a beautiful name!" Eveyoung said

"Hehehe...thank you"

"Where is your family?"

"I don't know"

"Are you still studying"

*There is no reply from Rose*

"Ahh okay do you want to continue to study?"

"Study?...oh sure thankyou!"

"Okay tommorow you and Dhoming will study at Harvard"

"WHATTTTTT!!!???" Dhoming shouted

To be continued...

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