Monster At University (chapter 2)

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Rose didn't sleep all night she just watch the night sky. She is wondering what is happening in her planet. Until the morning came.


Rose is taking a bath at the shower.
Dhoming is awake and he is about to pee but he still feel sleepy. She enter the bathroom and Dhoming was so shocked in what he sees. He see the naked body of Chan Chin Sue. "No jun-jun No! Behave!". Dhoming says in his mind. Chan Chin Sue smiled at Dhoming and Dhoming is a little bit confused

"Why is she still smiling?" Dhoming in his mind.

And suddenly the bathroom explode.


The entire house was filled of smoke.
And the whole family came out to their respective rooms.

"What's happening!?" Eveyoung shouted

"Is everyone alright!?" Reyzor asks

Dhoming came out from the bathroom crawling ang coughing.

"What the heck is happening!!??.....ohh..myyy...Am I already dead!?"Dhoming said

*Rose explode the room but it is not that harmful*

Rose quickly go to her room.
And prepare for her first day at school. While the family is still wondering what's happen. And where the explosion came from.


Dhoming and Rose is walking at the corridor way through their rooms. Dhoming is the "campus crush" of the school. They didn't talk to each other because Dhoming is so very irritated to Chan Chin Sue (rose)

"Why I need to go to school with this girl??? So...arghhhh.. nvm" Dhoming said to his self

As they pass to corridors the boys is staring at Chan Chin Sue. Their eyes is focusing to the beauty and sexyness of her.

The students at the corridor: "oww that girl is pretty" "Is that Dhoming's girlfriend?" "Is she a transferee?"

And suddenly a boy namely  Joshua came after her.

"Hey miss!? Can I know your beautiful name??" joshua said while putting his hands to Chan Chin sue's shoulder

Chan Chin Sue grab Joshua's hands and she breaks it.


"Ouuuuuccchhh!!! Ahhh!! It hurts!!!
Why the heck did you do that!?" Joshua said

*Chan Chin Sue just smile to him and continue walking*

"Who the heck is that girl!?" Joshua said

*At the class of G11-Einstein*

"Okay class goodmorning!"

"Gooooodmorniiiinnnngg maam YanDa!"

"Okay take your sit, So now you have your new classmate. Miss please introduce your self at the class"

"Ahmmm... Hello guys my name is Chan Chin Sue Im 16 years old and I live in the planet.............oh sorry! I mean I live in the house of family Aragon

Classmate A:"Oh is that your girlfriend Dhoming!?"

Whole class: yiiiEeEeeeEeeeEe HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Dhoming: shhhh..... stop it probably no, she is not my girlfriend never!.

Teacher: Okay class be quiet, miss Chan you can now take your sir.

*The discussion starts*

Chan Chin just sleep at the class.
And Dhoming try to understand the lesson even he cannot.

*After the first subject*

Marjorette come to Chan Chin.

Marjorette: Hey, whats up!? Im marjorette (smiles)
Chan Chin: (smiles back) hii
Marjorette: Where place are you came from?
Chan Chin: It is a place where the population is very high
Marjorette: Oh! Really!?
Do you want to explore this campus!?
Chan Chin: Can I?
Marjorette: Of course you can! Common!

*They walk around the school, have a little chit chat and Marjorette teaches her different things about their school.*

Marjorette: Do you have a crush?
Chan Chin: Crush? What is that?
Marjorette: It is a feeling inside your heart that can't explain.
Chan Chin: humans are so complicated (whispered to her self)
Marjorette: What!?
Chan Chin: Oh nothing HAHA. You, do you have a crush!?
Marjorette: Me? Yes I have. Dhoming is my ultimate crush arghhhh he is so cuuuuttteee....
Chan Chin: oh really

*Bell rings*

kringgggg...... kringggg.....

They go back to their class to have an another subject. As what Chan Chin Sue did earlier she just sleep at the whole discussion.

Prof. Balbueno: Okay class tomorrow we will have a quiz regarding about the topic, don't forget to review your notes.

*And the class is dismissed*

They are walking way through the campus gate.
Chan Chin Sue: Hey lets eat Jubille
Dhoming: What!? Are you freaking ignoramous!? Lets eat Jubille?? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so weird

ChanChinSue stop walking and deeply stares at him. Dhoming stop also at from his walking. As he turn around he sees the freaking eyes of Chan. He feels guilty and apologizes to Chan.

Dhoming: Oh im Sorry I didn't mean it. It was just a joke.
Dhoming: Where the heck is this girl came from. She is so Freaking weird! (Whispered at himself while looking at Chan laughing)

Suddenly there is burning object falling way through the highest building of their campus.


Dhoming: What was that?

Chan Chin Sue runs quickly where the object falls.

Chan Chin Sue:"Ninjutsu Run!" (Plok plok plok)

As she reached the place she saw a growling monster coming out from the hole


To be continued...

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