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   Winter formal, a annual school dance we have every year. Which I believe is just a popularity contest. But I guess that's how value is shown these days. I'm not going, not that I'm an introvert. I just think it's dumb.

   Ill be throwing an after party.

~At the after party~

I'm pretty sure about 150 kids showed up, some that didn't even go our school. It's not like I didn't have room but there was some gangs, fights, and some illegal stuff happening.

  "Hey bro have a drink!!" he yells, handing me a drink. I swear it looked weird but whatever I needed some release. I chug it down and party. Last thing I remember is standing by the pool and then seeing someone roll off the freaking roof into the pool.


Drenched hair, clothes, and phone. I mean I think I would have drowned if someone didn't drag me out of that pool. When I opened my eyes I just felt more water on my face.
    "God you can't handle your drinks, can you?" she asked.
    " Nope, I guess not" I say.

   I was lying on the concrete staring up at the blinding sun.
    I sat up and there was 10 people past out around the pool and cups everywhere.
   " You threw a hell of a party" she says
I see her walk away and I pass out one more time.

"JORDAN!!!!" I wake to the sound of my disappointed parents.

     Let's just say I made a mistake. I spent all afternoon picking cups and broken glass up. Oh and kicking random people out.

    *ding* my mom is calling me. " Jordan what were doing yesterday!? You are on the news and so is you sister. Please hurry and get to the hospital! We will discuss all of this later!" my mother says.

   I rush to the hospital and run inside. I go to the third floor and demand to see my sister. Everyone just stares at me. Someone points up to the TV my face was on it with the title of "High School Boy Throws a Party in Result of Tragedies".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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